
The Biggest Frustrations in Corporate America Is Your Company Feeling the Heat?

Losing Customers? Here’s Why It’s Happening and How You Can Fix It

Family Business Drama? Here’s How to Create Marketing Everyone Can Agree On

Don’t Let Your Great Ideas Die Build a Brand That Makes Them Unforgettable

Don’t Just Compete LEAD!

Why Every Business Needs a Magnetic Marketing Strategy Lessons from the GKIC Direct Response Hall of Fame

The Power of Direct Mail: Why Over a Billion Pieces Have Been Sent with eLaunchers

Building a Legacy How Being an Eagle Scout Dad Shapes My Approach to Business

From the Indian Air Force to Direct Marketing Success Lessons in Discipline, Strategy, and Leadership

A Day at the Races: How Dan Kennedy Taught Me the Power of the Trifecta in Marketing

Your Personal Declaration of Financial Independence

Reflections on Our Event The Impact of Dan Kennedy’s Proven Strategies

Harness the Power of Influence With The Tactics You Learned at Our August 15th Event

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Thriving Amid Political Uncertainty

Stand Out in a Crowded Digital World

The Art of Persuasion: Why Storytelling is Your Key to Sales Success

Fatal Mistakes That Can Sink Your Business – And How to Avoid Them

Business 101

Become the Authority Your Market Needs

A Step-by-Step Guide to Selling Anything

Mastering Long-Term Nurture Campaigns

Mastering Referrals

Sell the Sizzle, Not the Steak

The Wolf of Wall Street

Shock and Awe Your Unfair Advantage

The Power is in The Pipeline

The Art of Persuasion

Sell Anything to Anyone

Why Reinvent the Wheel?

Unconventional Success

The Meek Inherit the Earth that The Bold Create!

The Truth: The Hare Almost Always Wins!

The Myth of the “Born Salesman”

The Pitfalls of Positive Thinking

Do The Opposite

No B.S. Myth Busting

The Path to Business Mastery Lessons in Discipline

Marketing Mastery The Art of Crafting Messages That Connect

Limitless - Let Your Desires Guide Your Business Success

Fear—Greed—Guilt—Anger—Exclusivity—Salvation—Flattery Emotional Drivers That Compel Prospects To Say Yes

Doubt Your Limits and Challenge the Status Quo

Celebrate the Red: Redefining Progress in Business and Marketing

Become A Category of One

Beyond Hope: Implementing Effective Marketing Strategies for Business Success

Without Vision, There is No Direction Without Direction, There is No Progress

The Stronger Your Mindset is, The Greater Your Skill Set Will Be

Show up to WIN, Not to Play, Every Second Counts... Tick Tock!

Love the Process as Much as You Love the Prize

All Men are Created Equal; Some Just Work Harder


How to Sell ANYTHING to ANYONE Part II

How to Sell ANYTHING to ANYONE Part I

Your Wealth Reflects Who You Are

How Many Ways Are There NOT to Invent a Lightbulb?

Get Up and Try Again!


Change Your Thinking Change Your World

Burn The Ships!

Believe It and Make It So

Ask Better Questions

What Are You Doing With Your Down Time?

The Smartest Move – Invest in You!

Secrets of The Most Successful Among Us

Magic Marketing Messages


Convert Tire Kickers

Architects of Success

A Deep Dive Into The New Thought Movement

The Power of A Focused Mind

Story-Selling The Power of Proverbs

How To Sell Virtually Anything!

Lessons From The Master Himself…

Have You Reached Your Full Potential?

Fear or Faith The Choice Is Yours

Embrace The Law Of Attraction in 2024

Avoid Mindless Scrolling and the Dopamine Dump!

Think and Grow Ever Richer A Discussion about Strategies and Tactics

This Christmas, Don’t Settle For Gold Choose Diamonds

The Best Kept Secrets

Obsessed With Improvement

It’s All My Fault

The Power of The Written Word

Focus And Follow Through

Chose Discipline Over Dopamine

How To Get Anything You Want—Secrets of High Achievers

Become A Sales Magician – Insight from The Magic Maker Himself, Dan Kennedy

The Strangest Secrets and A Glimpse into the World of High Achievers

Mental Chemistry – The Secret To Getting What You Want Out of Life

How to Push To The Front of the Line and Other Secrets of High Achievers

Convert Non-Believers with this Million Dollar Strategy from Dan Kennedy

"Outwitting the Devil” – How You Can Achieve Practically Anything

From The Vault of High Performers - P.T. Barnum's "Humbugs of the World"

The Secret Lives of Unicorns

Chat GPT for Dentists: A Powerful Tool for Patient Education

Simple Strategies to Boost Your Productivity, Success, and Income

Mark Zuckerberg: Beyond the Metaverse

Supercharge Your Marketing with These Key Questions.

How to Sell Anything Online

Good Health Is Your Greatest Resource Don’t Settle For Substandard Medical Care

Brian Chesky and The Disruptive Technology of Airbnb

Crafting An Offer They Can’t Refuse…

You Want to Craft a Persuasive Message, First, Know Your Prospect

The Key to Effective Marketing—  Killer Content

The Art of Selling Convert Prospects into Loyal Clients

Market Credibility Matters           Establish Yourself As A Leader

SOLD! Reach Your Prospects for The Price of a Stamp

From Prosperity to Peril: Avoid These Business Blunders.

“Compete With the Immortals” Marketing Insight by Gary Bencivenga

Avoid Common Marketing Mistakes Capable of Capsizing Your Business

Connect with Your Customer’s Hearts and Minds

Hire Like A BOSS! Interview Tips To Help You Find The Right Fit For Your Company

“To be a great leader, you have to be a student. You have to be willing to learn. I’m still learning.” - Indra Nooyi

The Power of Storytelling And the Right Message To Market Mix

I Can’t Invest In My Business Right Now, The Sky Is Falling! Again?!?

“Do not focus on what’s been done before, focus on what needs to be done next.” – Tim Cook

Invest In What You Know—Business Insight from Legendary Investor Warren Buffet.

Know Your Tribe and Thrive

Marketing 101

Recession Proof Your Profits

Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals for Your Business and Accomplish Great Things by The End of This Year

Lessons on Selling from World Renowned Copywriter Dan Kennedy

Innovate, Disrupt Succeed

Some Businesses Simply Can’t Handle Growth

"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs

Insider Secrets Revealed Business Growth Strategy of the Elite Business Class

Eight Changes To SEO Over The Last Decade

The Power of Rejection Marketing

Seven Ways AI Can Help Determine KPIs

Determining Your Key Performance Indicators

Where Do High-Income Earners Put Their Money To Work?

5 Ways Judges Pierce the Corporate Veils and Impose Personal Liability

The Power Of Direct Response Marketing

Keep Clients Coming Back (Without Kidnapping Them)

Everyone’s Talking About You Behind Your Back

Creating The Plans Before Building The House

Will Your Business Survive 2023?

Should Applied Economics Be A Consideration For Small Businesses?

Work Smarter, Not Harder With A Referral Culture

How To Find Leads Based On Where They Go

Why Is Dental Practice Marketing Different?

Engagement - It's All About Building Trust

Cash Reserves - Build A Business Lifeline

Crafting Offers And Creating Responses

The Dream 100 - part 2

Is Your Business Future Fogged Up With Uncertainty?

The Dream 100 - part 1

How To Build Commercially Powerful Pixel Real Estate

Capture - Because You Can't Have A Conversation With A Crowd

Optimization: No, Not SEO, People!

The Art Of Creating And Distributing Content To Grow Your Business

Turn Lead Generation Into Record Sales Results

When to Prepare for Black Friday - Part 5

Is Your Dental Practice Targeting Your Ideal Patient?

When to Prepare for Black Friday - Part 4

Is Digital Marketing Appropriate For Dental Practitioners?

When to Prepare for Black Friday - Part 3

When to Prepare for Black Friday - Part 2

When to Prepare for Black Friday - Part 1

Does Trying To Understanding Data Analytics Make You Dizzy?

Are You Using This Marketing Channel

Why Patient Relationships Are Like A Marriage

Capture Free Customers With Geotargeting

Lead Generation Tactics For Small Businesses

How To Create Winning Google Ads

Putting Your Bottom Line On Top

Successful Dental Office Marketing

Does A Small Business Really Need Automation?

Apps That Afford Entrepreneurs More Free Time

Is Email Dead For Growing Your Dental Practice?

Why Marketing Education Is Essential In Post Pandemic Recovery Period

Why Your Marketing Fails

Are You Giving Enough Attention To Your Human Assets?

Revenue Economics, Conversion Matrix & Growth Goal Setting

An evening with Steve Tucker

How to read your clients minds have them love you for it!

Is Your Business Ready For A Recession?

How Often Should You Email

SWOT Analysis 2

SWOT Analysis 1

3rd Party Data Is Dying. Here's Why You Should Care

False Metrics That Appear Real

Marketing Versus Sales

Focused Time Increases Productivity

Email Marketing Evolution

How Do You Uniquely Benefit Your Target Market?

Telemarketing: May The Phone Be With You

How Not To Sell Yourself Into Receivership

Why Cash Flow Is Your Most Important Metric

Email Marketing Doesn't Bring In Patients Anymore

Quarterly Planning


What Do eLaunchers and S.W.A.T. Teams Have In Common?

It’s About What You Need, Not About What They Give You

The Importance of Accurate Information

Guerilla Warfare

What are the symbols you use in your business?

Not Properly Setting Expectations Was Putin’s Blunder – Is It Yours?

Peace On Our Terms

Are You Zelenskyy or Putin

 parthiv shah


Are you one of the 99% of small businesses who are spending money on marketing but unhappy with results & ROI?

I can help you establish controls and measurements so you can know, understand and MEASURE what is working and what is not working in real time. In one hour I will help you identify your KPI (Key Performance Indicators) and connect all your digital marketing assets (website, social media, finance) to a digital dashboard and a mobile app so you can track and measure everything going forward in real time.




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