
All Men are Created Equal; Some Just Work Harder

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Apr 10, 2024 8:30:00 AM

Dear Friend and Fellow Entrepreneur,

One of the best compliments I ever received was from a friend who attended a conference with me. It was late into the night, and I was still very busy talking with potential clients, answering questions, and brainstorming business ideas. My friend walked up to me and said, Parthiv, you are the hardest-working man I’ve ever met.

I can’t tell you how much this pleased me. I know from experience that hard work is often the only way to achieve your goals. I’m fond of the saying, there is no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs.

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Topics: new opportunities, achieve your goals, Reserves Of Energy, opportunities for growth, Work Harder, potential clients, competitive world of business, driving growth and innovation, growth and expansion, foster innovation

 parthiv shah


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