
Should I go for my Doctorate?

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Apr 21, 2019 9:48:36 PM

My guide Dr. Stephen Roulac encouraged me to apply for a doctoral program when I explained the concept of "Pixel Estate Portfolio".  After carefully evaluating the concept and its depth, he suggested that this is not a topic for a blog article or a pillar page or even a book. This is going to require few thousand hours of work, deep and diligent work, significant scholastic study, significant literature review, analysis, research and conclusive evidence before I can write a dissertation that would be considered worthy of publication. 

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Topics: Dan Kennedy, content creation, Dan Sullivan, Continuing Education

Kennedy Vs Sullivan! Which Dan has made more profound impact on you?

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Apr 14, 2019 2:00:07 AM

Couple of years ago Dipali and I were looking at numbers and relationships and something really interesting was revealed. We were analyzing historic revenue data to determine where most of our money came from. We went on to calculate and document this. We asked ourselves: over the last several years, from the last $5M in revenue, where did most of the money came from?

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Topics: Dan Kennedy, No BS, Strategic Coach, Dan Sullivan

 parthiv shah


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