
“Compete With the Immortals” Marketing Insight by Gary Bencivenga

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Sep 6, 2023 8:00:00 AM

In the world of direct mail copywriting, a few names stand out like beacons in a fog-filled night. Legends, Titans, if you will, who’ve made their clients fortunes that rival the royals with persuasive messages in the form of direct mail delivered to an expertly chosen list of prospects.  

This list of titans has some names you’ll surely recognize, including Dan Kennedy, Russell Martino, and the subject of today’s blog, the “Michelangelo of direct mail copywriting” himself—Gary Bencivenga.

Gary Bencivenga has a long and illustrious career helping American businesses break sales records faster than a bodybuilder can snap a pencil.   This master of persuasion is semi-retired now but frequently shares his wisdom and insight on the secrets of his success.

Today, I’d like to share a few of my favorites of Gary’s ‘magic marketing bullets’ and how I use these time-tested, proven techniques to help my clients reach more ideal prospects and reap more profits than they dreamed possible.

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Topics: own experiences, business commitments, opportunities and constraints, your business, growth in your business, Marketing Insight, Gary Bencivenga, Pareto Principle, persuasive messages

 parthiv shah


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