
Avoid Common Marketing Mistakes Capable of Capsizing Your Business

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Sep 4, 2023 8:00:00 AM

The lifeblood of any business is tied to its marketing efforts. If you wish to stay in business, you must attract the right prospects. We all know this. That’s why we seek the advice of advertising experts and sign contracts with marketing agents. We want to reach more customers, clients, patients, and patrons eager to do business with us.


The problem with most marketing campaigns is they fall short on one or more of the key elements that make them effective—and unfortunately, making marketing missteps can cost you time, money, and patronage. Make enough of these marketing missteps, and they can sink your business as effectively as the iceberg that sank the Titanic.


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Topics: Marketing education, business planning, marketing agents, clients, Marketing Mistakes, marketing efforts, customers experiencing

Cash Reserves - Build A Business Lifeline

Posted by eLaunchers on Nov 15, 2022 8:15:00 AM

Cash reserves are an important part of business economics and are a critical pillar of your business growth. This doesn’t mean it is easy to build these reserves, especially for small businesses and dental practices.

Let’s look at their importance and how to build them up.

Managing Creditors

Renegotiate your debt with your creditors to ease your debt pressure, as they will often accept longer settlement periods. This lowers monthly installments, and you can allocate the difference to building cash reserves. If they are not open to re-negotiation, then take your debt elsewhere for a better deal.

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Topics: small business automation, business planning, cashflow

An evening with Steve Tucker

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Jul 13, 2022 3:43:00 PM



Welcome to Saturday evening at e-Launchers in Gaithersburg,  Maryland. My name is Steve Tucker. I'm a corporate and real estate lawyer. I used to work on Wall Street at the big firms in New York City. I have my own practice now. I was on Dan Kennedy's Facebook page Magnetic Marketing|No B.S. Inner Circle. I'm a member there and I was participating in a conversation  and Parthiv answered one of my questions. I noticed that Partyhiv was located in Germantown, Maryland which is only three miles up

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Topics: Business Kamasutra, Business Growth, business planning

Quarterly Planning

Posted by Parthiv Shah on May 12, 2022 6:11:00 PM

What is YOUR quarterly planning process?

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Topics: business planning

Your Business Is The River Of Money

Posted by eLaunchers on Mar 22, 2022 8:17:00 AM

I frequently cross the Potomac River north of Washington DC. Recently, as I sat directly above the Potomac waiting for traffic to start moving, it occurred to me that just as the river feeds the Chesapeake Bay with water, a river of money to keep your business fed.

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Topics: Business Growth, business planning, cashflow

How Can You Tell Your Marketing Isn't Working

Posted by eLaunchers on Oct 28, 2021 1:47:29 PM

There is a well know and universal benchmark of success - money.

Some entrepreneur believe that investing money is the cure for low earnings and pump high spending plans into marketing agencies or freelancers. Not a great deal of business owners understand how to assess marketing projects and that breaks my heart.

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Topics: Marketing education, business planning

Strategies to improve customer acquisition

Posted by eLaunchers on May 18, 2021 8:00:00 AM

CAC (customer acquisition cost) and LTV (long-term value) will be helpful for you in building a marketing strategy. It is important to remember that these measurements mainly should be used in accessing your strategy’s marketing performance. It’s not at complicated as it seems. Trust me! This blog is a follow-up on the CAC and LTV topic that I've discussed last week. Let’s jump in.

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Topics: customer value optimization, business planning

Types of WebPages Part 2

Posted by eLaunchers on Apr 20, 2021 11:26:26 AM

Welcome to Part 2 of the types of web pages available In this blog, I will be focusing on Offer Pages and Home Pages. Let’s dig in!


Offer Pages

The offer page is where you present the offer, and allow the prospect to take up the call to action, whatever that may be. This could mean that they are going to make a purchase, schedule a discovery call or RSVP to an event. This is the page where you're going to give them all the reasons that they need to take action right now.

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Topics: Marketing education, customer journey, business planning, Web site, pixel estate,

Your BFF is Cash

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Mar 4, 2021 5:58:20 PM

It was 8 p.m. on a Friday night and I out with some friends. We were sitting around a table and chatting. At some point, it became a bragging contest where we were essentially trying to outdo each other. My friends and I went back and forth for a little while. Finally, I said, if there was a sweet deal on the table tonight, then I could have more than a million dollars in cash in this house by midnight. Suffice to say that I won our playful argument. Cash to a business is like oxygen to a human. You lose cash and you die. It has nothing to do with your potential, valuation, the value of an intellectual property or physical inventory.

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Topics: finance, Business Growth, Dan Kennedy, Marketing education, business planning

How To Make A Lot More Money, Fast

Posted by Dan Kennedy on Jan 7, 2021 2:03:20 PM

Odds are, your business lost a lot of customers last year. There are holes in your bucket. And odds are, you can't say for sure how many you lost, who you lost, why you lost them or where they went and are now. If you do nothing different, I can send you this same fax next year too. A great way to make more money is to stop losing customers, beginning with the next one you are about to lose.

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Topics: Business Growth, Marketing education, business planning

 parthiv shah


Are you one of the 99% of small businesses who are spending money on marketing but unhappy with results & ROI?

I can help you establish controls and measurements so you can know, understand and MEASURE what is working and what is not working in real time. In one hour I will help you identify your KPI (Key Performance Indicators) and connect all your digital marketing assets (website, social media, finance) to a digital dashboard and a mobile app so you can track and measure everything going forward in real time.




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