"Content is King," the speaker on the stage said.
The Art Of Creating And Distributing Content To Grow Your Business
"I have over 100,000 people on my mailing list." my lunch date said as we snarfed down the delicious fish tacos. "That's awesome. How often do you engage with them?" I asked. The look I got was typical - the glare of a really angry chihuahua and the expression of a melancholy basset hound. She went on to ask what I meant and why it really mattered because she was "emailing the entire list about once a month."
Topics: Business Growth, content creation, eLaunchers Traffic System
I believe that internet is a place, and just like you have a real estate you have in the real word, you have a pixel estate in the internet. That means any business who has any presence, even a small Facebook page, is a pixel investor. If you look at the terminology used in the Internet of Things architecture build out, it all references they are on earth counter parts in real estate. There is a very important place of you in the pixel world which is the path way to your pixel estate. It is called your homepage, but in reality it is a gateway to your pixel estate campus.
Topics: lead marketing automation, Business Growth, click funnels, content creation, pixel estate,
Authority Infrastructure – Your Publishing Platform
Topics: Blog, digital marketer, content creation, No BS
What the heck is SEO and why is it important to my business?
What is SEO?
SEO or search engine optimization uses a complicated set of processes, steps and rules to rank/index your website in internet search results with Google, Yahoo or Bing. Over 255 factors are utilized to assess the quality of your web page and the SEO process and algorithms are constantly changing and evolving.
Topics: content creation, Marketing education, SEO
Holiday Season Advancing – Prepare Today
You know it happens every year. You know you want to be raring to go on time this year. You know last year was a nightmare due to the lack of preparedness. Prepare today for the advancing holiday season to make for better sleeping once Thanksgiving week comes around.
Topics: data science, concepts and strategy, content creation
The Milk Your Baby Drinks Can Ruin Teeth…And Other Such Dental Disasters
Who’s heart couldn’t melt at the sight of a smiling baby? Their feather-soft skin, tiny feet and hands, and oh, that beautiful smile is enough to make you want to cuddle it all day. But did you know that feeding your baby can cause brand-new teeth to rot? This type of dental disaster is all too common.
Topics: concepts and strategy, success, content creation, Continuing Education
Image Credit: Duhaime Law http://www.duhaime.org
We received calls from four different attorneys from disparate parts of the country this past month. Actually, one attorney was from British Columbia, Canada. It boiled down to the inability to expect retirement as a reality.
Each in their own way, they told me that they were looking forward. You know, forecasting. And, they realized that although they wanted to retire someday, not one of them thought retirement was unlikely. They wouldn’t be able to accumulate the required wealth they need to do so. Two were in their third decade of practice, one aged 39, and one just starting out. They were all small practice attorneys.
Topics: concepts and strategy, content creation, Financial Education, Marketing education
I think this next statement is a bit off-putting, but I’m not making fun of it. When I was researching some of the other experts speaking about conversion headaches, the first site to pop up was Harvard Medical School. I learned that there is such an illness known as “conversion headaches (conversion disorder).”
But that’s not at all about what this article is built. Lead conversion is the topic. Removing the roadblocks, constraints, frustration, ambiguity, and headaches that come when your lead to customer conversion isn’t doing well.
Topics: concepts and strategy, success, content creation, Technology
There are all sorts of reasons why prospects don’t convert (we’ll discuss that on Thursday). However, so as not to write a 1000-page book on the subject, I’ve narrowed things down to these 4 critical elements to why your landing pages might suck. Mind you, this is my perspective, and I hold no liability for leaving yours off of the list.
Topics: digital marketing, how to, concepts and strategy, traffic, content creation