
How “Chairside Marketing” Can Add $250K+ to Your Practice This Year

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Feb 3, 2025 8:00:00 AM

You’re already spending thousands—maybe tens of thousands—on marketing.

You’re paying for SEO, running ads, sending mailers, investing in social media… all in an effort to get more new patients through the door.

So why are your efforts not paying off the way they should?

Because You’re ignoring the easiest, most profitable source of revenue in your practice.

It’s not the people who haven’t called your office yet.
It’s not the strangers seeing your Facebook ads.
It’s not the leads your front desk is chasing down.

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Topics: emotional language, compensating, High-Value Cases, Case Acceptance, Chairside Marketing, osseointegration, bone resorption

 parthiv shah


Are you one of the 99% of small businesses who are spending money on marketing but unhappy with results & ROI?

I can help you establish controls and measurements so you can know, understand and MEASURE what is working and what is not working in real time. In one hour I will help you identify your KPI (Key Performance Indicators) and connect all your digital marketing assets (website, social media, finance) to a digital dashboard and a mobile app so you can track and measure everything going forward in real time.




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