
What Are You Doing With Your Down Time?

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Feb 26, 2024 8:30:00 AM

Have you ever noticed how many people are glued to their phones? Are you one of them? If you have a free moment at a red light…on the bus…in bed before the lights go out…are you grabbing your phone? Are you scrolling social media, reading endless and pointless news streams, or watching influencers do things you wouldn’t consider in your wildest dreams?

What are you doing with your downtime?

Russell Brunson began asking this question a while ago and found that too many of us are wasting these valuable moments of our lives. Instead of using them to foster better relationships with loved ones, improve our bodies with exercise, or train our minds, we squander these precious moments with endless nonsense that leaves us unfulfilled and wanting.

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Topics: Personal Growth, Think and Grow Rich, Predictable growth, business opportunity, bring positive outcomes, scrolling social media, Secrets of Success Society, Secrets of Success Mastermind Community, genuine discussions, power of optimism

 parthiv shah


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