
Engagement - It's All About Building Trust

Posted by Richard Bueckert on Nov 17, 2022 8:15:00 AM

When I was a kid "trust" was assumed and it was up to the person to screw it up. Walter Cronkite ended his evening newscasts with "And that's the way it is" and politicians could be trusted to do what they said (mostly). Now, trust is at an all-time low with polarized social media posts, obviously lying politicians and "fake news". As business owners and marketers, it gets even worse because according to, "To further illustrate the low level of trust people have in advertising, the survey of more than 36,000 respondents from 28 countries reveals that one-fifth (21%) of respondents say they will never believe the information in advertising is true if it’s the only place they see it. Moreover, most respondents (41%) need to see the information in advertising repeated at least once or twice beforethey believe it."

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Topics: marketing automation, Engagement

Crafting Offers And Creating Responses

Posted by Richard Bueckert on Nov 10, 2022 8:15:00 AM

"Content is King," the speaker on the stage said. 

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Topics: content creation, Engagement

 parthiv shah


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