
Conversion Tools: Chair Side Marketing

Posted by Parthiv Shah on May 23, 2018 1:07:25 PM

Each Chair Side Marketing Brochure is a stand‐alone sales presentation. It makes no difference which one a prospect reads, the conclusion will be the same; YOU are the only person it makes any sense at all to do business with.

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Topics: Implementation, Ultimate Conversion Concepts Platform, case presentation package

Conversion Tools: Case Presentation Package

Posted by Parthiv Shah on May 23, 2018 1:04:13 PM

While 'Shock and Awe' package is sent to prospect prior to the appointment, the case presentation package is handed to them on arrival and it is used as a conversation prop in the meeting. A digital version of case presentation is created for online meetings. All elements of case presentation package are housed in a 6 x 9 clear plastic envelope.

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Topics: shock and awe, Implementation, case presentation package

 parthiv shah


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