
The Power of Rejection Marketing

Posted by Rob Anspach on May 19, 2023 12:51:08 PM

Rejection marketing is a strategy that involves intentionally turning away potential customers or prospects who do not meet specific criteria or who may not be the ideal fit for a product or service. It aims to focus marketing efforts on attracting and engaging with the right target audience while discouraging or filtering out those who are not likely to convert or have a low probability of becoming valuable customers.

Hi, I’m Rob Anspach and I’ve become known as a master of rejection marketing. It’s a strategy I’ve adapted over my 28 years as a full time entrepreneur. As someone with a sarcastic personality, I got tired of trying to be nice to all people. It’s downright exhausting. So instead of attracting everyone into my funnel, I rejected 80% of the tire kickers, time wasters and PITAs (pain in the butts) right away.

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Topics: lead generation, Magnetic Marketing, Marketing education

How To Find Leads Based On Where They Go

Posted by Richard Bueckert on Nov 24, 2022 8:15:00 AM

You are looking for new leads for your business but there are no obvious similarities between them such as age, gender, income, or some other demographic. In fact, you may not even want to call the group of people you are looking for a "niche"... To call them a "tribe" might be more accurate. But what can you do? Is there no way you can find these people and market to them?

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Topics: lead generation, geotargeting

The Dream 100 - part 2

Posted by Richard Bueckert on Nov 10, 2022 8:15:00 AM

Last week we  spoke about automating your system to bring in your Dream 100.

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Topics: Sales, lead generation

The Dream 100 - part 1

Posted by Richard Bueckert on Nov 3, 2022 3:56:20 PM

At the recent Power Consulting Live event I attended, our co-hosts Mark Harris and Mike Griffiths went around the room and asked “What are some of the challenges you are facing as a consultant?” Responses included:

 * Too much marketing "noise"...

 * How do I market my expertise?

 * How do I convince prospective clients "...they can't do it themselves?" and...

 * How can I create a lifestyle business that suits my lifestyle?

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Topics: Sales, lead generation

Turn Lead Generation Into Record Sales Results

Posted by eLaunchers on Oct 18, 2022 8:00:00 AM

Nurturing leads through to buying can seem like engaging in an adult relationship with someone who you want to try out the Kamasutra with. That is why Parthiv Shah wrote the witty Business Kamasutra book. Connections can be hard to maintain. So how do you convert lead generation efforts into sales?

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Topics: Business Kamasutra, lead generation

Lead Generation Tactics For Small Businesses

Posted by eLaunchers on Aug 30, 2022 8:15:00 AM

Lead generation is the foundation of any business. From knocking on doors a hundred years ago to AI scanning the internet today, your sales funnel always needs to be full. As a small business, where do you start? We hope to launch you in the right direction today, so buckle up!

What Is Lead Generation?

In digital marketing, a lead is an internet user who shows interest in your brand by liking a post, visiting your website, subscribing to a channel, or filling out a form to receive a newsletter or download.

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Topics: lead generation

10 Reliable Dental Client Marketing Ideas Your Practice Should Try

Posted by eLaunchers on Nov 4, 2021 8:00:00 AM

All dental practices comprehend the significance of patient marketing. Brand-new patients can be brought in, and even existing ones might become stronger ties with their favorite dentist! Marketing is essential if you want your practice to grow; however it's hard knowing how exactly do that? There isn't one correct answer for this question - there are many techniques out there depending upon what works best for an individual office or group dentistry organization . A number of different combinations could yield very positive outcomes too so don't get stuck on any single idea before giving other strategies a go yourself

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Topics: Social Media, Business Growth, lead generation, marketing for dentists

Marketing Ideas

Posted by eLaunchers on Dec 8, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Have you ever wanted to take your marketing to the next level?  You've already done the mailing lists, website creation, and social media marketing? Looking for a little marketing excitement? There are plenty of other things you can do to promote your business that are a little outside of the box. 

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Topics: lead generation, Marketing education

Coupons and promotions

Posted by eLaunchers on Dec 1, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Everyone loves free stuff, and so should you!

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Topics: lead generation, Marketing education

Pick up the Phone Already!

Posted by eLaunchers on Jul 9, 2020 6:19:58 PM

Pandemic! Riots! Fear! Panic!

Businesses have been shut down for weeks and millions are out of work...

And still many of my clients are calling me, concerned that people aren't calling them.

“Parthiv, I don't know what to do. My ads aren't working like they used to, my direct mail isn't pulling at the same rate, and people aren't buying from my emails like they used to. What do I do?”

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Topics: Business Growth, elaunchers, Customer Retention, lead generation, Marketing education, customer journey

 parthiv shah


Are you one of the 99% of small businesses who are spending money on marketing but unhappy with results & ROI?

I can help you establish controls and measurements so you can know, understand and MEASURE what is working and what is not working in real time. In one hour I will help you identify your KPI (Key Performance Indicators) and connect all your digital marketing assets (website, social media, finance) to a digital dashboard and a mobile app so you can track and measure everything going forward in real time.




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