
Losing Customers? Here’s Why It’s Happening and How You Can Fix It

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Oct 16, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Dear Reader,

It hurts to lose customers. You work hard to attract them, invest time and money in your marketing, deliver a great product or service—and yet, they disappear. It’s frustrating, it’s disheartening, and it can feel like you’re constantly chasing your tail just to stay afloat. But here’s the truth: most customer losses don’t happen because of the competition. They happen because of failure points in your business.

Common Failure Points That Drive Customers Away

To solve the problem, you need to understand where things are going wrong. Too often, businesses focus all their energy on getting new customers in the door and neglect what happens after. And that’s where you’re likely to find failure points:

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Topics: customer experience, unique knowledge, authority-makers, trust-builders, build loyalty, customer interacts, businesses focus, Reengagement, loyal fan

 parthiv shah


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