
A Day at the Races: How Dan Kennedy Taught Me the Power of the Trifecta in Marketing

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Sep 11, 2024 8:00:00 AM

I have a fun story to share with you today.

One sunny afternoon, I found myself at the horse race track with Dan Kennedy. Now, let me be clear – I know little about gambling and even less about horse racing. But Dan? He’s an expert. He knows the ins and outs, the odds, the strategies, and every angle there is to play. I was just there to have fun, soak up the atmosphere, and maybe, just maybe, place a winning bet.

The air was thick with excitement. The smell of popcorn and hot dogs mingled with the scent of freshly cut grass. The horses, sleek and powerful, pranced in their stalls, ready for the next race. Dan and I were in the stands, enjoying the spectacle. Dan, as usual, was in his element, analyzing the race program, making notes, and sharing his thoughts on which horse had the best shot at winning.

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Topics: digital marketing, financial independence, Trifecta in Marketing, tactic, strategy, campaign, chances of success

Stand Out in a Crowded Digital World

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Aug 21, 2024 8:00:00 AM

In today's overcrowded digital world, your message must stand out from the moment it's received. If you send a sales piece that reeks of junk mail, it’s likely to get tossed with the junk mail without a second thought. But on the other hand, if you send an expertly crafted, hand-delivered letter with a dynamic offer, you’re sure to encourage the reader to say yes.

Direct mail works because it cuts through the digital clutter. When everyone is bombarding your inbox with emails, a physical letter stands out. It's tangible, it demands attention, and it feels personal. People appreciate the effort and thought that goes into a handwritten letter or a specially delivered package.

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Topics: digital marketing, financial freedom, Crowded Digital World, Physical and Digital, personalized marketing, loyalty campaign

Eight Changes To SEO Over The Last Decade

Posted by Rob Anspach on May 19, 2023 1:00:46 PM

Over the past 10 years, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has undergone significant changes due to evolving search engine algorithms, technological advancements, and shifts in user behavior. I should know…I actually cowrote a book on SEO.

Hi, I’m Rob Anspach, and back in 2014, I coauthored “Optimize This: How Two Carpet Cleaners Consistently Beat Web Designers On The Search Engines.” It's hard to imagine that two carpet cleaners of all things would shake up the SEO world and bully their way up the search ranks. But that's exactly what happened! My coauthor Paul Douglas and I came up with the idea of the book and started writing. Within less than sixty days we not only completed the book but launched it on Amazon. Over the next month that book hit #1 Best Seller in the USA, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. And was in the Top 10 in Germany, Japan, Italy and Mexico.

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Topics: digital marketing, SEO, Web site

Types of webpages Part 1

Posted by eLaunchers on Apr 15, 2021 8:00:00 AM

What is the internet? How many people interact with web content every day? How far is the moon? Let’s not try to answer these hard questions today but concentrate on a hands-on approach to marketing on the web.

Where would be a good place to start?

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Topics: digital marketing, Marketing education, customer journey

Top 4 Reasons Your Landing Pages Suck Canal Water

Posted by eLaunchers on Aug 13, 2019 5:31:00 AM

There are all sorts of reasons why prospects don’t convert (we’ll discuss that on Thursday).  However, so as not to write a 1000-page book on the subject,  I’ve narrowed things down to these 4 critical elements to why your landing pages might suck.  Mind you, this is my perspective, and I hold no liability for leaving yours off of the list.

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Topics: digital marketing, how to, concepts and strategy, traffic, content creation

Mindset is the Key to Magnetism

Posted by eLaunchers on Jul 11, 2019 2:39:00 AM

Last time we reviewed Magnetism as it relates to attraction, persuasion, Magnet Marketing.  Today I’d like to share with you what I believe are the points of positivity that establish the magnetism strategy. 

Mindset is the key to not only attracting lots of interested prospects, it is also the development of a positive approach to life in general.

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Topics: digital marketing, concepts and strategy, Delivery and Training, Magnetic Marketing

Creating Effective Funnels is a Piece of Cake Or…. How to Get the Tofu, Mofu, Bofu, Right Once and For All Part 1

Posted by eLaunchers on Jun 10, 2019 5:19:00 AM

So you have a funnel, big deal. If you don’t get the Tofu, Mofu, and Bofu right, you’ll forever suffer the “conversion disaster.” Why do I say that? Well, because it’s true.

Sure, some prospects might make into the Top of the Funnel, but will they ever convert? Or, how about the lead that has been nurtured a bit at the top but gets pushed to purchase prematurely. Where do you think she goes? Yep. Boing!

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Topics: digital marketing, concepts and strategy, Customer Retention, customer experience, content creation, Technology

The 3 Phases of Love and Marketing…. …. And Why You Need to Focus on All of Them

Posted by Parthiv Shah on May 24, 2019 12:36:09 PM

Image Credit:

Meeting and marrying the right person is a lot like marketing.  Done correctly, both will turn out well. Done poorly, and well, you know what that might become.

Most small business owners, from retail, manufacturing, grocery or hair salons seldom think about these 3 essential phases of marketing when they are throwing money at their challenge of getting and keeping customers, clients or patients.

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Topics: Business Kamasutra, digital marketing, direct marketing, concepts and strategy, Magnetic Marketing

Authority Marketing: Pitches or Proposals

Posted by eLaunchers on Jun 18, 2018 1:52:51 PM

When you want something, the most logical thing to do is pitch yourself. Whether it is to get exposure on a talkshow or be featured in a newspaper article, your first instinct is to tell people why you deserve the spot. The only problem is that there are usually a hundred other people vying for the spot too. How do you stand out when your pitch is just a baby drop in the ocean?

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Topics: Blog, digital marketing, direct marketing, Social Media

The Value of Valuable Content

Posted by eLaunchers on Jun 15, 2018 4:10:00 PM

20 years ago, there was no Snapchat, Instagram, or Facebook. People didn't get their news from Twitter; they got information from nightly talkshows or newspapers. Times are a-changin' and they are a-changin' fast. The key is to ensure that no matter the platform, you are delivering valuable and captivating content. You're moving away from merely generating a list of random people who opt in to creating quality leads using Inbound Marketing concepts.

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Topics: Blog, digital marketing, Social Media, traffic

 parthiv shah


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