
From The Vault of High Performers - P.T. Barnum's "Humbugs of the World"

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Nov 2, 2023 1:36:36 PM

Dear Fellow Entrepreneur,

I have something exciting to share with you today. Recently, I joined a secret group of high performers, one I’ll tell you more about in a few moments.   One of the benefits of being part of this group is that I gained access to a treasure trove of priceless and, in some cases, never-before-seen revelations and information on personal achievement.

When I joined this group, I gained access to the most incredible collection of works by some of the most influential philosophers and success coaches. This compilation holds the secrets of personal achievement and details how anyone can be successful in the world. Although my fellow members might not be thrilled, I will give you a glimpse of what I’ve discovered now. The insights I've gained are too valuable not to share.

How can you be more?

How can you achieve more?

How can you have more success in life?

These are the questions these great minds have answered. You’ll want to read to the end for something special just for you, but first, I’d like to share with you a piece of the magic and why I’m so excited to have found this group of like-minded high achievers.

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Topics: entrepreneur, business commitments, your business, hard work, interplanetary travel, communicate globally, various industries, intelligent decisions, social networking, Mythical Success, - P.T. Barnum's, group of high performers, influential philosophers and success coaches, great minds, Humbugs of the World, Secrets of Success Community

Good Health Is Your Greatest Resource Don’t Settle For Substandard Medical Care

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Oct 9, 2023 8:00:00 AM

I consider myself to be an extraordinarily blessed human being. I have a loving wife and family, good friends, and a dynamic team working with me. Every workday, I get to wake up and do what I love—help business owners and fellow entrepreneurs achieve robust levels of success.  

My precious time with family, friends, and at work requires me to travel…a lot. I frequently fly cross-country and often internationally for meetings and to discover new ways to help my clients make money.

If you travel frequently, you know the privileges and problems that come with this lifestyle. You get to see new places. Meet new people. Stay in excellent hotels and sample local cuisine—all good things.

On the downside, we often put in hours extending well past 9 to 5, traverse multiple time zones wreaking havoc on our sleep schedules, and stay in strange hotels, which may have 5-star reviews but are never as comfortable as our home and bed.

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Topics: entrepreneur, captivating smile, profitable relationship, Substandard Medical Care, Good Health, Greatest Resource, precious time, privileges and problems, lifestyle, health issues, prioritize our health, grown interested, Health Savings Accounts, business runs smoothly, frequently stressed, financial tools designed, business and care

"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Jul 12, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Today’s blog will focus on Steve Jobs, the visionary entrepreneur, and one of my personal heroes.

His story as the self-made man and later as the comeback kid are an inspiration to anyone looking to make their mark on this planet.

This is a man who was raised by working class parents, who dropped out of college, Co-Founded Apple in his garage, worked hard and ten years later headed a Company worth over $2Billion with over 4,000 employees.

Then, the company he helped created fired him.

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Topics: marketing automation, finance, business growth strategy, an inspiration, entrepreneur

 parthiv shah


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