
The Best Kept Secrets

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Dec 20, 2023 8:00:00 AM

What would you say if I told you I could get you into an exclusive club of high achievers spearheaded by none other than Russell Brunson, the mastermind behind Click Funnels?

Would you be interested?

Now what if I told you that joining this club meant you got a key to a treasure trove of published and unpublished works from some of the greatest thinkers of all time… 

Would I have your attention?

Well, my friend, if you’re now reading this, fully engaged and wanting to no more, then you and I are kindred spirits.  When I first heard about the new mastermind group Russell Brunson offered, I instantly wanted to know more.  When I discovered whose company I’d be in and all the benefits that came with access to this group, I was like “Sign me up! This is my tribe!”

In Russell’s Secrets of Success Mastermind Group, he’s created a book club of sorts, but not one that discusses poetry or romance novels.  No, this group is comprised of high achievers and entrepreneurs who understand the importance of and actively seek a competitive edge.

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Topics: click funnels, Personal Growth, Think and Grow Rich, high achievers, fully engaged, competitive edge, captivate minds, Kept Secrets, personal development geniuses, The Secret of the Ages, great leaders, work in depth

Website Homepage

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Apr 29, 2021 8:00:00 AM

I believe that internet is a place, and just like you have a real estate you have in the real word, you have a pixel estate in the internet. That means any business who has any presence, even a small Facebook page, is a pixel investor. If you look at the terminology used in the Internet of Things architecture build out, it all references they are on earth counter parts in real estate. There is a very important place of you in the pixel world which is the path way to your pixel estate. It is called your homepage, but in reality it is a gateway to your pixel estate campus.

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Topics: lead marketing automation, Business Growth, click funnels, content creation, pixel estate,

What's Next For elaunchers -A $9000 Surface.

Posted by Parthiv Shah on May 10, 2019 11:27:50 AM

If it’s one thing I like it is technology.  I have a hard time seeing what’s new for eLaunchers and not having it.  Anyone that knows me is fully aware of this bit of news.  If only I had an extra $9000 lying around gathering dust.

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Topics: click funnels, elaunchers, Marketing to affluent, Continuing Education, Keap

What is wrong with your salesFunnel?

Posted by Parthiv Shah on May 30, 2018 4:38:09 PM


Success is Not An Accident. It takes measured efforts to get measurable results.

 Shortcomings of Traditional sales funnel: In a traditional sales funnel, you spend money to drive qualified traffic to the top of your sales funnel and prospects ‘drop off’ as you lead them through the qualifying and closing process. The problem is, people don’t always behave in the sequence you plan. Therefore, there is tremendous pressure on your prospect and on your sales force to quickly and efficiently ‘go through your process’ so they can either buy something or leave your ecosystem. This causes loss of valuable data.

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Topics: marketing workflow automation, click funnels, elaunchers, Sales

Business Kamasutra Campaign

Posted by Parthiv Shah on May 23, 2018 10:59:56 AM

Lead Capture and Opportunity Follow Up System

We install and completely customize this campaign for your business as a part of your Ultimate Conversion Concepts Platform implementation. Swipe copy is provided for your reference and if the swipe copy is not appropriate for your business, a copywriter will be recommended to write copy for your campaign. The implementation fee includes complete customization of this campaign, the corresponding funnels, the companion digital downloadable assets and companion print assets.

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Topics: Business Kamasutra, Implementation, click funnels, Infusionsoft

Click Funnels Implementation

Posted by Parthiv Shah on May 23, 2018 10:55:20 AM

Installation and Setup of funnels in your click funnels account


Once all the funnels are installed in your account, we will select the appropriate funnels and customize them for your business. Not every funnel is appropriate for every business, but during installation we just install everything we feel is appropriate so we have access to our core engineering as we are working in your account. We have implemented the entire Funnel Blueprint 2.0 infrastructure from Digital Marketer in to our Click Funnels account. We have developed some industry specific funnels built to specifications that we now have in our inventory.  We have over 350 funnels in our Click Funnels account and we are constantly studying new funnels published by Russell Brunson. To learn more about Russell's new funnels and join the Funnel University please visit

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Topics: marketing automation, Implementation, click funnels

 parthiv shah


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