
Avoid Common Marketing Mistakes Capable of Capsizing Your Business

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Sep 4, 2023 8:00:00 AM

The lifeblood of any business is tied to its marketing efforts. If you wish to stay in business, you must attract the right prospects. We all know this. That’s why we seek the advice of advertising experts and sign contracts with marketing agents. We want to reach more customers, clients, patients, and patrons eager to do business with us.


The problem with most marketing campaigns is they fall short on one or more of the key elements that make them effective—and unfortunately, making marketing missteps can cost you time, money, and patronage. Make enough of these marketing missteps, and they can sink your business as effectively as the iceberg that sank the Titanic.


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Topics: Marketing education, business planning, marketing agents, clients, Marketing Mistakes, marketing efforts, customers experiencing

The Power of Rejection Marketing

Posted by Rob Anspach on May 19, 2023 12:51:08 PM

Rejection marketing is a strategy that involves intentionally turning away potential customers or prospects who do not meet specific criteria or who may not be the ideal fit for a product or service. It aims to focus marketing efforts on attracting and engaging with the right target audience while discouraging or filtering out those who are not likely to convert or have a low probability of becoming valuable customers.

Hi, I’m Rob Anspach and I’ve become known as a master of rejection marketing. It’s a strategy I’ve adapted over my 28 years as a full time entrepreneur. As someone with a sarcastic personality, I got tired of trying to be nice to all people. It’s downright exhausting. So instead of attracting everyone into my funnel, I rejected 80% of the tire kickers, time wasters and PITAs (pain in the butts) right away.

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Topics: lead generation, Magnetic Marketing, Marketing education

The Power Of Direct Response Marketing

Posted by eLaunchers on Jan 31, 2023 8:15:00 AM

Marketing has become even more competitive in this day and age, where customers are bombarded with saturated platforms and messages. Direct Response Marketing can unlock captivated leads who actually want you to convert them. 

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Topics: direct marketing, elaunchers, Marketing education

Everyone’s Talking About You Behind Your Back

Posted by eLaunchers on Jan 17, 2023 8:15:00 AM

Whether or not you are aware of it, your customers leave your office, Zoom call or shop and tell the world what they think. This may be negative feedback that discourages others from approaching your business or using your product, but it can also consist of rave reviews that get others interested in your offer. 

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Topics: Referral Culture, elaunchers, Marketing education, ideal patient

Are You Using This Marketing Channel

Posted by Richard Bueckert on Sep 9, 2022 8:15:00 AM

"Do you do Facebook Ads?" the voice on the other end of the call enquired. I took a moment, inhaled, and replied "Yes, of course. How can we help?" Of course, it was a completely wrong question. The right question would have been to ask "What's the best way for me to get new clients to my physio business?" 


While Facebook MIGHT be a great option, it very well might not be. Choosing your media before you know your target market and the messaging you want to put in front of that target market is a surefire way to create a "losing" marketing campaign.

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Topics: Marketing education

Is Email Dead For Growing Your Dental Practice?

Posted by Richard Bueckert on Aug 4, 2022 12:30:13 PM

You might be thinking "Email isn't working anymore." And if you're using email

for follow-up and retention the same way you did before the lockdowns, you're

probably right. Here's the good news - it's not working for other dentists in

your trading area either. There's better news too - email is still the most

cost-effective way to market and grow your practice IF you make a few changes

and deploy it using an OMNICHANNEL strategy.

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Topics: marketing for dentists, Marketing education

Why Marketing Education Is Essential In Post Pandemic Recovery Period

Posted by eLaunchers on Aug 2, 2022 8:15:00 AM

The state of global economics is suffering a new external impact. It's unlike COVID-19, which was bad enough, but happened to a very healthy, mostly affluent economy. Businesses changed over the course of the pandemic and some, sadly, did not survive. The companies that did survive managed to turn things around, but many have had to drain their savings accounts to do so. What’s left is a fragile post-COVID economic climate where cash reserves are depleting.

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Topics: Marketing education

Why Your Marketing Fails

Posted by eLaunchers on Jul 28, 2022 4:24:29 PM

It's no secret that most business owners are less than happy with the number of paying buyers that get generated by their advertising efforts. Typically, it's the media that gets blamed but the truth is that the real cause is not the media, but a fractured marketing process. Specifically, it's the failure of both the business owner AND the marketing person to take a holistic approach to the entire marketing funnel so that all of the milestones and contingencies are accounted for throughout the entire process.

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Topics: Marketing education, eLaunchers Traffic System

Marketing Versus Sales

Posted by eLaunchers on Jun 9, 2022 6:03:00 AM

When I first came to America, I was shocked at the cultural differences.

Everything was different from attitudes to the way people interacted with each other in daily life, even how they shopped. But the most interesting thing to me was how businesses marketed and sold their products and services. India – like much of the third world - has little marketing. Business owners in third-world countries focus on sales and negotiating. Mostly, this is because people in third world countries buy products and services they need. Conversely, in America people buy what they WANT.

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Topics: Business Kamasutra, Marketing education

Improving Your Digital Presence - part 2

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Feb 8, 2022 7:05:00 PM

Is a large portion of your marketing focused on your digital presence? With most businesses, the answer is a resounding yes! Since online businesses are always striving to grow their presence, wouldn't it make sense to develop a digital strategy that fuels sales by converting visitors into loyal customers?

To help you understand and improve your digital presence, there are four points you need to consider: Digital Marketing Strategy, SMART Growth Goals, Customer Acquisition, Master Strategy Model. We covered the first two last time so we’ll go over Customer Acquisition and Master Strategy Model today.

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Topics: concepts and strategy, Marketing education, BRENT

 parthiv shah


Are you one of the 99% of small businesses who are spending money on marketing but unhappy with results & ROI?

I can help you establish controls and measurements so you can know, understand and MEASURE what is working and what is not working in real time. In one hour I will help you identify your KPI (Key Performance Indicators) and connect all your digital marketing assets (website, social media, finance) to a digital dashboard and a mobile app so you can track and measure everything going forward in real time.




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