
Word of Mouth Sales

Posted by eLaunchers on Aug 1, 2019 3:35:00 AM

What would the world be like without Facebook? Would word of mouth cease to exist? These are damaging questions as we have become so accustomed to having social media dominate so much of people’s minds.

“Well, if it’s on Facebook it must be true,” is the graduated statement that originated with the internet.  What used to be important about social media is becoming so passé it’s laughable? The privacy issue is hugely negative, yet Billions of people give their information every day. Facebook makes advertising money by selling your information to the highest bidder of the day, and again tomorrow, and tomorrow.

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Topics: concepts and strategy, Delivery and Training, inbound marketing, No BS, authority marketing

Becoming a Niche Authority

Posted by eLaunchers on Jul 31, 2019 5:02:00 AM

What Makes Authority Marketing Work

Part II

The other day I laid out some answers to What Makes Authority Marketing Work and we discussed the viewpoints of three people that have written books on Selling to the Affluent, and that of Authority.  I chose them because of the titles of their books, and the fact that both Kennedy, Witty and Shelton are figures often in the limelight of our world.

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Topics: concepts and strategy, Delivery and Training, success, Magnetic Marketing, authority marketing, Business Plan, Marketing education

Mindset is the Key to Magnetism

Posted by eLaunchers on Jul 11, 2019 2:39:00 AM

Last time we reviewed Magnetism as it relates to attraction, persuasion, Magnet Marketing.  Today I’d like to share with you what I believe are the points of positivity that establish the magnetism strategy. 

Mindset is the key to not only attracting lots of interested prospects, it is also the development of a positive approach to life in general.

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Topics: digital marketing, concepts and strategy, Delivery and Training, Magnetic Marketing

What Your Aunt Gertrude Never Told You About Making Money Or…. Strategic Selling in Just Five Steps

Posted by eLaunchers on Jul 5, 2019 4:44:00 AM

What Your Aunt Gertrude Never Told You About Making Money
Strategic Selling in Just Five Steps

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Topics: concepts and strategy, Delivery and Training, success, Magnetic Marketing, Business Plan, Continuing Education

Delivery and Training

Posted by Parthiv Shah on May 23, 2018 1:22:48 PM

Training for CEO and for The Team

The training for the CEO and the staff starts BEFORE we begin implementation and deployment. Ideally, we want you to invest (time and money) in initial training and continuing education for you and your team before you before you make any investment in the system, consultation or implementation at

We believe that the CEO who is buying thissystem should not only be in sync with the continuing education that our system is based on, but the CEO should also be able to articulate the foundation and the logic of this system to the team and get a 'buy in' from all stakeholders in your company. We have seen many times where the CEO makes an investment in a system or technology and the team does not cooperate with the implementation.

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Topics: Implementation, Delivery and Training

 parthiv shah


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