Have you heard the story of Hernan Cortes? Cortes was a Spanish conquistador who led the expedition that resulted in the fall of the Aztec Empire. As the legend goes, in 1519, Hernán Cortés set sail from Cuba to explore and conquer the rich lands of Mexico. When he and his crew arrived in Mexico, they faced significant challenges, including resistance from the indigenous peoples and dissent among Cortés' men, who feared the dangers they faced in this unknown land.
According to the legend, Cortés, in a bold move to inspire unwavering commitment from his men, ordered them to burn their ships. By destroying their means of retreat, Cortés effectively eliminated the option of turning back. With no possibility of returning to Cuba, the only path forward for Cortés and his crew was to press on into the unknown, conquer the land, or perish in the attempt.
With no way to retreat, Cortes’s men were forced to commit themselves fully to the mission of conquest. They went on to achieve remarkable success, ultimately conquering the Aztec Empire and claiming Mexico for Spain.
How frequently do you think about failure?
Here’s a better question. Do you have a contingency plan or a plan B if things don’t work out? If you have a planned exit strategy, you could be doing yourself a disservice.
Because spending energy preparing for failure takes away from our potential for success.
Robert Collier talks about this in his book, “The Secret of The Ages.”
“What is the root cause of most failures in life? It’s the acceptance of failure. Allowing competition, adversity, fear, and worry to erode your confidence. Instead of forging ahead with determination, investing money to generate more wealth, you halt all expenditures, attempting to ‘play it safe’…”
If you want to succeed, you can’t dwell on failure. Failure simply is not an option. If you experience a setback, this is not a sign of failure; it only indicates that you are moving in the wrong direction and need to adjust course.
You want to be so preoccupied with finding new ways to thrive that there’s no room to contemplate a plan B. If you were so engrossed in brainstorming solutions, exploring avenues for growth, and considering possibilities and opportunities, Plan Bs, Cs, or Ds would just be so much noise. A burning ship in your past that offers no benefit for the future that lays in front of you.
Cortes’s story is a powerful symbol of how commitment, determination, and the willingness to take bold risks will often lead to you achieving your goals. So today, I urge you to fully commit to the courses of action that will help you achieve them and refuse to entertain the possibility of failure.
If you're ready for this level of commitment in your business, let today’s blog post be a sign. Give me a call, and let's devise a strategy that will help you take your business to the next level. We’ll discuss your goals and the most efficient way of achieving them. Soon, you can count yourself among my many satisfied clients who are achieving their best years yet because they said yes to eLaunchers.
Call me or send me a text at 301-873-5791 or go to www.elaunchers.com to book an appointment.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.