In some circles, the title of this article could be a leading statement into a description, or it could be a question. In reality, as far as I'm concerned, What Makes Authority Marketing Work is both.
Topics: concepts and strategy, Marketing to affluent, authority marketing
How can Dan Kennedy’s Indian data scientist attract more wealth for you?
Dan is famous for teaching us that, "The money is in the list… You want to be in an ‘Income At Will’ position…
You need to build an iron fence around your herd…. You must magnetically attract the right people to you…”
So how do you do all of that?
Topics: data science, digital marketer, Magnetic Marketing, Marketing to affluent, Strategic Coach
Why Metrics are Critical for Marketing …..and What You’re Missing When You Don’t Use Them
There are significant reasons why marketing metrics are critical. If you don’t know what works, what doesn’t, what’s weak, what’s healthy, you’re in the dark. You’re missing out on pertinent information when you don’t use them.
Topics: digital marketer, Marketing to affluent, authority marketing, Strategic Coach
Image Credit: Pixabay
I was speaking to the children of a neighbor recently, and I asked them if they had ever been to a circus. I mentioned the animals, the clowns, popcorn, peanuts, soft drinks, and taffy apples. That’s when the fun began. Their father and I were astounded when the lid came off the jar.
The discussions that ensued, sometimes multiple and concurrently as to the need to go, the desire to go, how old does one have to be, why should they want to go, can we go now was deafening. There were questions about how it could possibly be fun with all the noise, smells, and scary faces of the clowns got tossed around too.
Topics: concepts and strategy, Marketing to affluent, Strategic Coach
This is a question you better know the answer to if you ever want to close those leads and convert them into paying customers, clients, or patients. If your leads are alive, dead, or on life support is as critical as it gets when attempting to grow a business.
Topics: Sales, lead generation, Marketing to affluent, Strategic Coach
Marketing campaigns are funny creatures. Many, many of them fail flat on their expensive faces. Talk to 90% of small business owners if they have tried Facebook or Google ads. The single most frequent response is “yes, and it was a disaster. I spent a fortune and the results were terrible.”
Topics: direct marketing, concepts and strategy, Marketing to affluent, Financial Education
A lot of people today are considered the Masters of Modern Marketing. Like Seth Godin, Gary Venerchuk, Neil Patel for example. Granted, they are pretty sharp on their game. However, when it comes to direct response, today’s Master is Dan Kennedy as far as I am concerned.
Topics: direct marketing, Marketing to affluent, Strategic Coach
Every small business owner, every doctor, dentist, attorney in the world is trying to figure out the number one conversion hack. It’s deemed elusive, almost invisible. That’s B.S.
Topics: lead generation, Marketing to affluent, marketing for dentists, Strategic Coach, Financial Education
If it’s one thing I like it is technology. I have a hard time seeing what’s new for eLaunchers and not having it. Anyone that knows me is fully aware of this bit of news. If only I had an extra $9000 lying around gathering dust.
Topics: click funnels, elaunchers, Marketing to affluent, Continuing Education, Keap
Outspending the Competition is the Recipe for Winning
If you wish to end up winning, the recipe is outspending the competition. It’s the unvarnished truth. It’s not the best business that always wins, it’s the best marketed. But don’t let me get too far ahead just yet.
The typical business owner looks for every advantage imaginable to spend as little as possible on gaining a new customer, client, or patient. Whether it be pay per click ads, sales commission, incentives, discounts, whatever.
Topics: Business Growth, Business inelligence, Marketing to affluent, Elite Forum, Continuing Education