
How to Create A Guarantee

Posted by eLaunchers on Mar 29, 2018 4:30:00 PM

So you’re convinced your business – and your customers – would benefit from a strong guarantee. Now what? What are you going to guarantee? How are you going to position it? Once again, this goes back to your target audience and your product or service. What are some of the major objections your potential customers raise during the sales process? What kind of risk do they take on when they make a purchase? How much time will they need to test or experience your product or service?

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Topics: Blog, direct marketing, offer, how to, risk, guarantee

The Power of Risk Reversal

Posted by eLaunchers on Mar 27, 2018 4:00:00 PM

What is the biggest objection you need to overcome when closing a sale? Is it cost? Belief in what you have to say? Confidence in your product or service? While it is a different answer for every business, every business has to deal with some element of customer fear or hesitation before a monetary transaction.

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Topics: Blog, direct marketing, how to, risk, guarantee

 parthiv shah


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