
The Strangest Secrets and A Glimpse into the World of High Achievers

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Nov 20, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Parthiv Shah

Greetings, fellow high achiever!

In my previous blogs this month, I've tantalized you with hints about my recent acceptance into an exclusive secret society. Today, I'm excited to pull back the curtain further and reveal how you can access the treasures hidden within this clandestine group. But first, let me set the stage.

Membership in this group is like holding the key to a vault brimming with invaluable knowledge on the philosophy of success and personal development. The secrets inside are enough to transform your life. Books, magazines, and never-before-seen manuscripts from some of the greatest thinkers of our age are contained within.

One of the works I’d like to highlight today is "The Strangest Secrets" by Earl Nightingale. Before we dive into the wisdom of this book, let's get to know the remarkable Earl Nightingale.

You might know that Earl Nightingale, born in 1921, was a legendary radio personality, motivational speaker, and author. His resonant voice and inspirational messages touched the lives of countless individuals. One of his famous quotes, "We become what we think about,” has been an inspiration in my life and a reminder to be vigilant and keep my mind focused on who I wish to be and what I wish to accomplish.

"The Strangest Secrets" is a jewel in the crown of personal development literature. Earl Nightingale's words offer a roadmap for anyone who wants to reach their full potential. In this book, Nightingale delves into the power of one's thoughts and how they shape life.

Nightingale highlights the critical role of a positive attitude in achieving success and how a simple shift in your perspective can lead to monumental changes in your entrepreneurial journey. He discusses how clearly defined goals must be your blueprint for success. He details how you can set meaningful and achievable goals and objectives that steer you toward your dreams. Nightingale emphasizes how visualization can be a powerful tool in your entrepreneur toolbox, and he shows you how to harness this technique to manifest your goals and desires.

Now, here’s the exciting part: you, too, can access the works of Earl Nightingale, Charles F. Haanel, Napoleon Hill, and many other thought leaders and philosophers by joining the mastermind group "Secrets of Success." Inside the Secrets of Success community and membership site, Russell Brunson brings the lost treasures of achievement together and gives you access to books, magazines, manuscripts, and ideas that are game changers in personal success.

Just go to and unlock the boundless wisdom that awaits. Russell Brunson spent the last several years of his life and a considerable fortune collecting these works and putting them in one spot for himself and other high achievers like you to study.

In my upcoming blogs, I'll continue to share insights and knowledge I've gathered from this secret society to guide you on your path to success, so stay tuned and remember your success is within your reach. In this instance, it could be just a click away:


Topics: The Secret Lives, innovation and scalability, personal development, philosophy of success, path to success, motivational speaker, and author, Strangest Secrets, World of High Achievers, an exclusive secret society, treasures hidden, holding the key, invaluable knowledge, remarkable Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secrets, personal development literature, achieving success, blueprint for success, entrepreneur toolbox

 parthiv shah


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