
Convert Tire Kickers

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Feb 7, 2024 8:30:00 AM

The purpose of today’s blog is to discuss a simple tactic for converting curious lookie-loos into satisfied customers, patients, or patrons.

First, let's start with the basics – You are an expert in your field, so make sure you come across as one. You're not just selling stuff; you're sharing your vast knowledge to help people. You can do this by writing special reports, making blog posts, or creating videos. This shows your customers that you're not just a seller but someone with helpful knowledge.

Offering extremely valuable intellectual content free to your customers shows them you care about them and are someone they should trust. This fosters reciprocity, and your generosity inspires them to respond in kind.

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Topics: The Secret of the Ages, success and personal growth., Predictable growth, business opportunity, making blog posts, satisfied patients, Convert Tire Kickers, writing special reports, creating videos, dental implants, streamline your operations, customers, and patients

 parthiv shah


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