
Marketing 101

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Aug 2, 2023 8:00:00 AM

I pride myself on being a constant student.

I am constantly researching how to sell more, how to be more strategic in business and how to get better results for my clients.

Over the years, I’ve developed tested and proven strategies that make my clients money.

If you are looking to gain market share—I can help.

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Topics: marketing automation, finance

Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals for Your Business and Accomplish Great Things by The End of This Year

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Jul 26, 2023 8:00:00 AM

I recently came across an article in Forbes Magazine about setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals.

You’ve probably heard the acronym

As the President of eLaunchers, a strategic marketing company, I run my organization by setting and achieving S.M.A.R.T. goals for my clients.

This article, (see link to full article below), does an excellent job of describing how setting goals with the right mindset and execution can deliver powerful results in your business.

I found this information actionable and informative, so I decided to share my take on S.M.A.R.T goals here with you.

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Topics: marketing automation, Specific, Measurable, Time-Bound

"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Jul 12, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Today’s blog will focus on Steve Jobs, the visionary entrepreneur, and one of my personal heroes.

His story as the self-made man and later as the comeback kid are an inspiration to anyone looking to make their mark on this planet.

This is a man who was raised by working class parents, who dropped out of college, Co-Founded Apple in his garage, worked hard and ten years later headed a Company worth over $2Billion with over 4,000 employees.

Then, the company he helped created fired him.

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Topics: marketing automation, finance, business growth strategy, an inspiration, entrepreneur

Engagement - It's All About Building Trust

Posted by Richard Bueckert on Nov 17, 2022 8:15:00 AM

When I was a kid "trust" was assumed and it was up to the person to screw it up. Walter Cronkite ended his evening newscasts with "And that's the way it is" and politicians could be trusted to do what they said (mostly). Now, trust is at an all-time low with polarized social media posts, obviously lying politicians and "fake news". As business owners and marketers, it gets even worse because according to, "To further illustrate the low level of trust people have in advertising, the survey of more than 36,000 respondents from 28 countries reveals that one-fifth (21%) of respondents say they will never believe the information in advertising is true if it’s the only place they see it. Moreover, most respondents (41%) need to see the information in advertising repeated at least once or twice beforethey believe it."

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Topics: marketing automation, Engagement

Unique Marketing System

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Oct 12, 2021 8:00:00 AM

Effective marketing and successful gardening work the same way.

A cactus and a fern are both plants, but if you plant your cactus in the shade and water it as much as you water your fern, it will die. Similarly, if you plant your fern in scorching full sun and water it once a month, you've got yourself a dead fern.

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Topics: marketing automation, Business Growth, BRENT

Marketing Must Haves

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Sep 9, 2021 8:00:00 AM

Marketing is the craft of collecting people’s attention and holding it as long as possible. Most of the marketing managers totally miss the last part of the definition and concentrate on grabbing the customer’s attention for a short time. Building brand loyalty, interacting with customers over a long time, collecting relevant data – successful completion of these tasks separates an amateur marketing professional and the real pros.

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Topics: marketing automation, Business Growth

I love helping people

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Aug 17, 2021 9:35:00 AM

I love helping people with their businesses. The longer I’ve been in business the more I realize three truths:

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Topics: small business automation, marketing automation

171 ways to LOSE a million dollars

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Dec 15, 2018 8:28:53 AM

No one likes to lose money. Yet, we ALL lose money every day. I recently discovered there are at least 171 ways to lose a million dollars, believe it or don’t. We count money we make, we count money we spend, we count money we owe, we count money owed to us, we count money which we pay taxes on, we count money we save... but we fail to count money that we do not make.

The whole concept of "fortune not made" can be devastating to a small business that happens to be struggling to merely survive. It can most certainly slow down the growth of a thriving business as well. There is no accounting system for lost data, lost money and "fortune not made".

So the problem is real. Some call it unconverted leads or lost opportunities problem. Clinicians call it unscheduled treatment plans. At we call this problem diamonds in your database.

This problem is amplified in the life of physicians, cosmetic dentists, orthodontists, cosmetic surgeons, attorneys and any business who sells a high value product or service.

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Topics: marketing automation, marketing for dentists, Databox Dashboard, eLuanchers Marketing Department In A Box

Business Kamasutra: From Persuasion to Pleasure. The art of data and business relations.

Posted by Parthiv Shah on May 30, 2018 5:04:31 PM

Kamasutra: The concept of adding pleasure to a relationship

Historians say the Kamasutra was composed between 400 BCE and 200 CE. The Kama Sutra is the oldest and most notable of a group of texts known generically as Kama Shastra (Sanskrit: Kāma Śāstra).

In my book, Business Kamasutra: From Persuasion to Pleasure I draw parallels between how humans meet, date & mate and how companies prospect, pitch and close.

When I talk to a new prospect about data science, data intelligence and data driven decision making, they usually don’t understand me. No one wants to have a small talk about big data. Dan Kennedy encouraged me to write a book several years ago, when I attended the TRUST BASED MARKETING event. But no one wanted to read a book called “Don’t Waste Data”.

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Topics: marketing automation, Business Kamasutra, Infusionsoft

Click Funnels Implementation

Posted by Parthiv Shah on May 23, 2018 10:55:20 AM

Installation and Setup of funnels in your click funnels account


Once all the funnels are installed in your account, we will select the appropriate funnels and customize them for your business. Not every funnel is appropriate for every business, but during installation we just install everything we feel is appropriate so we have access to our core engineering as we are working in your account. We have implemented the entire Funnel Blueprint 2.0 infrastructure from Digital Marketer in to our Click Funnels account. We have developed some industry specific funnels built to specifications that we now have in our inventory.  We have over 350 funnels in our Click Funnels account and we are constantly studying new funnels published by Russell Brunson. To learn more about Russell's new funnels and join the Funnel University please visit

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Topics: marketing automation, Implementation, click funnels

 parthiv shah


Are you one of the 99% of small businesses who are spending money on marketing but unhappy with results & ROI?

I can help you establish controls and measurements so you can know, understand and MEASURE what is working and what is not working in real time. In one hour I will help you identify your KPI (Key Performance Indicators) and connect all your digital marketing assets (website, social media, finance) to a digital dashboard and a mobile app so you can track and measure everything going forward in real time.




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