
The Power of The Written Word

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Dec 11, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Parthiv Shah

Two of the men I admire most in marketing are Dan Kennedy and Russell Brunson. So, when these two speak, I sit up and pay attention. In one of Kennedy’s recent NO B.S. Newsletters, he shared a conversation he and Brunson had about the great Napoleon Hill.  

In it, Brunson discussed how he’d come across a course written by Hill on effective advertising. This course was pinned back in 1917, a full 20 years before he wrote the book we’ve all come to know and love, Think and Grow Rich.  

Russell Brunson found this particularly interesting because it showed that, although Hill became famous for his personal development masterpiece, Think and Grow Rich, his roots were in marketing and advertising.

Dan Kennedy goes on to discuss Hill’s earlier career, which you may not know, was as a copywriter and sales trainer for the International Correspondent School. They talked about how Hill’s time in direct sales and as a copywriter likely led to his ability to understand human nature and eventually write the influential work he’s famous for today.

Kennedy went on to say that a person just starting in business would do well to spend a year in the trenches in door-to-door sales or at a car dealership or furniture store. The experience you gain from that type of one-on-one interaction would serve you better than any four years at a University as it relates to selling and business, he says.

What I found most interesting in this conversation is the conclusion they both come to: Napoleon Hill achieved such success in selling books and shaping minds because he understood how important it was to sell his reader on the ideas he so earnestly professed. He knew that if someone was to truly benefit from his principles of success, they must not only believe those ideas to be true, but most importantly, they had to believe those ideas would work for them.

The two go on to talk about one of the most effective ways of selling in print, which is compelling storytelling.   Russell talks about the power of an origin story. Then he shares some insight into his origin story, which is about his now-famous potato gun DVD, which eventually led him into Click Funnels and established him as the marketing genius he is today.   Then they both discuss the power of effectively telling your origin story when selling your product or service. A good origin story helps your prospect understand why you are passionate about what you do and why they should be as well.

Dan discusses how when you have a great story, people love to tell it. A story about who you are and why you do what you do, especially if you fine-tune it, get to the good stuff, and keep it interesting, is one people will tell over and over again for you.  

The conversation between Dan and Russell then goes into great detail about what makes an effective story. They give examples of how an effective origin story creates followers who eagerly spread your message for you because they identify with you and are happy to tell your tale.

Kennedy ends the discussion by circling back to Napoleon Hill. He talks about how, before he became an author, he learned the importance of being careful and precise in his choice of words and language. As an expert in direct sales, Hill understood the power and importance of word choice and the impression conveyed by the phrases you use. He discusses how masterfully choosing your words is everything when crafting a sales message.

Recently, Russell and Dan joined forces to compile a treasure trove of Dan’s courses, podcasts, master sales letters, seminars, correspondence, and more, encompassing the last decade of Dan’s career. In capsulated in this tome of information are all the necessary elements of effective storytelling and what it takes to sell in print and have customers, clients, and patrons eager to do business with you.

These marketing diamonds are now all in one place and available to high achievers and entrepreneurs like you. If you are serious about moving your business up the success ladder, or if you want to make sure you’re not making brain-dead mistakes that could cost you a fortune, then I recommend you go to and gain access to the entirety of Dan’s podcasts, blog posts, sales letters, and genius marketing content. Then, consider upgrading to the Diamond Group to gain access to Dan’s “Advanced Business Development” course, which previously sold for $2,497 per head, plus Monthly Masterclasses and live Q&As with Dan himself.


If you are ready to multiply your income, this could be your most important move this year!


Topics: Dan Kennedy, marketing and advertising, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill, entrepreneurs, Russell Brunson, podcasts, master sales letters, seminars, influential thinker, perspectives on success, positive thoughts, principles of success, correspondence, Advanced Business Development

 parthiv shah


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