
No B.S. Myth Busting

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Jun 3, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Dan Kennedy, one of the greatest copywriters of all time, is not one to mince words. His unconventional, contrarian views often challenge the status quo. In his latest book, 'No B.S. Guide to Succeeding in Business By Breaking ALL THE RULES, 'he kicks off by debunking 13 common myths and lies that many of us have come to accept as truths.

As I read through each of these, I remember thinking, this is really good stuff! So many of us have bought into this universally accepted B.S., and so many suffer because of it.

In today’s blog, we’ll review all 13, and I’ll share my thoughts on why Dan added them to the list. Enjoy!

  1. Think positive, and life will be wonderful. Attitude is everything. While a positive attitude is great, it's not a magic bullet. You need skills, strategies, and action to achieve success. Just thinking positively won't get you anywhere without effort and the right tactics.
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Topics: Budgeting and Financial Planning, Think positive, Be creative. Invent. Innovate, practice makes perfect, Succeeding in Business, Breaking ALL THE RULES, myths and lies, skills, strategies, Attitude is everything, Winners never quit, quitters never win, focused effort, Creativity, networking, No B.S. Myth Busting

 parthiv shah


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