
Pixel Estate: The Big Shift of Q2-2020 and Post COVID Economics

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Apr 4, 2021 11:05:29 AM
Q2-2020 forced humanity to rapidly quarantine and continue their life from behind the screen for an extended period of time. This shifted how people feel about where they are, where they want to be and how they want to decide to patronize a business. The PLACE CHOICE MODEL has been altered forever.

FREEDOM OF PLACE CHOICE. This is one of THE MOST fundamental human desires. Every human wants the freedom to choose the PLACE they want to be at, stay at and go to. COVID curtailed our freedom of place. We are locked up in our homes and we are 'forced to work from home'.

I believe that COVID changed it for us forever. The PLACE CHOICE MODEL has been altered forever. As COVID quarantine eases up, people will become free to make their place choices under new rules of engagement. Some of the current post COVID changes about place choice will stay here for weeks, months, years and perhaps forever.

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Topics: Magnetic Marketing, hubspot, Web site, Web

Not Just a Crystal Ball... Database Marketing Explained with Crystal Clarity

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Sep 15, 2020 2:26:49 PM

Recently, I was talking to a high profile client in Kennedy world about database marketing, segmentation and data buckets, and I said 'You know how PRISM works right?' and INSTANTLY he said, 'YES, YES, I want to run my data through your data prism'. Soon the conversation turned in to a project and I am working on dissecting his list(s) in to multiple slices to create segments and sub-segments of data. 

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Topics: hubspot, Hubspot for dentists

Why Hubspot? Why Now? Case for a major investment in your Pixel Estate

Posted by Parthiv Shah on May 1, 2020 8:49:12 AM becomes a PLATINUM Hubspot Solutions Partner in May 2020.

Something interesting happened after the start of the COVID crisis. We sold more Hubspot in 30 days after COVID lockdown than we had sold in the last 24 months.

Why did the market embrace Hubspot? Why Now? What is it about Hubspot and COVID? What is the correlation? When everyone is in distress and panic, when everyone is in 'shutdown' mode and mindset, why is my marketplace (which is made up of dentists, physicians, attorneys, financial advisors and information marketers with 1 to 4 million dollars in revenues) making a non-trivial capital investment in a technology infrastructure?

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Topics: Magnetic Marketing, hubspot, Web site, Web

 parthiv shah


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