
Hire Like A BOSS! Interview Tips To Help You Find The Right Fit For Your Company

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Aug 23, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Parthiv Shah

I am a marketing and sales strategist so it’s my job to understand and identify opportunities and constraints for the business owners I work with. Recently, I’ve heard many of my clients complain about how hard it is to find and retain excellent employees in their organization. This has come up so many times in the past year I thought I’d address the subject in today’s blog.

Your employees are a living and valuable resource in your business, one that most businesses cannot do without.   Still many employers hire for key roles in their organization after only a single interview, sighting that they had a good feeling about a person, or just felt they’d work out.   To me, this is like going on a blind date with someone and deciding to let them move in with you the next day.

Hiring quickly can be a huge mistake. It’s easy for a potential employee to come off as the perfect fit if all you base your decision on is a tailored resume and a thirty-minute interview.   Most people, with their best foot forward, can come across as interesting, intelligent, and qualified for thirty minutes.

So, slow it down. Invest in your interviews before you bring a new hire aboard—even if you have a desperate need to fill a position. Hire slowly and if you do not already, please implement a probationary work period where you can get to see this potential hire in action.

The rest of this blog will be devoted to some excellent interview questions you might want to add to your interview process. These questions will help you dive deeper and discover why the person sitting in front of you wants to work for your company and if they will be a good fit with your other employees and for your business.

Question 1: Why do you want to be part of our team?    

This question will tell you if the candidate knows anything about your business. Have they researched you? Do they know about your goals and vison?  

Question 2: What do you want to do differently in this job that you’ve never been able to do before? What do you want to try or what ideas would you like to see implemented?

This question helps identify thinkers. Those who are looking to improve, stretch and grow alongside you. The answers to these questions will help you find employees who act more as partners excited to have their hand in your company’s success.

Question 3: What is your dream job and why?

This will help you know what’s important to them and if this is something you can provide through your company.   If the potential new hire is interviewing for a receptionist job at your medical clinic, but what they really want to do is sing on Broadway, this is not a good mix and it is unlikely they will ever be truly happy working for you.  

Question 4: What is your retirement savings goal and are you currently saving for it?

This answer can reveal so much about your potential hire. If they eagerly tell you, yes they have goals and yes they save for the future, you know they are forward thinking and working towards their long-term success. If the answer is no, this may reveal a person who is short sighted or unrealistic about their future expectations.  

Question 5: If money was no issue and all your expenses were covered for life…what would you be doing?

This one often causes potential candidates to pause and assess their passions and goals. Would they still desire to work? What type of work would they do? If you’re with an ideal candidate, their answer may line up with the position you offer. If this happens, you have a great match.

Well, my friend, I hope this helps the next time you have a position open.   The people you work with make a huge difference in your joy and the success of your business. So, take your time and choose wisely.

As I’ve said before, Its my job to understand what moves people. Without this’ it’s impossible to design a winning marketing campaign. If you’re ready for a bold move that will help you connect with your ideal clients or customers, I urge you to call or text me at 301-873-5791 or go to to book an appointment.

Just like it pays to have a company full of employees excited about coming to work for you, it’s vital to have a sales and marketing strategy that reaches your target market and delivers a message that creates a hoard of raving fans excited that they get to do business with you.

So, call me. Let’s discuss how I can help you generate a steady stream of customers, clients, or patients lining up at your doors.

Topics: own experiences, business commitments, Interview Tips, opportunities and constraints, your business, marketing and sales strategist

 parthiv shah


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