
The Meek Inherit the Earth that The Bold Create!

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Jun 19, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Dear Friend and Fellow Business Owner,

You’ve heard it said, “The meek shall inherit the earth,” and that modesty is a virtue. But in the business world, meekness and modesty won’t get you far. Dan Kennedy contends that confidence and assertiveness are crucial to making deals and standing out in a competitive market. Today, I want to talk about why being meek is a problem in business.

First, understand that business is a battlefield. It’s a place where competition is fierce, and only the strong survive. If you’re meek, you’ll get trampled. Meekness means you’re not standing up for yourself or your ideas. You’re letting others take the lead, and that’s a surefire way to blend into the background. In business, you need to be noticed. You need to make your presence felt. Kennedy believes that if you’re not confident in your value, why should anyone else be?

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Topics: meekness and modesty, confidence and assertiveness, making deals and standing out, strong survive, competitive market, Confidence in negotiations, pitching your ideas, successful entrepreneurs, bold, confident, strong leadership, lead with authority, opportunities, and respect, leadership requires confidence, making decisions, taking responsibility, negotiating effectively, brave and strategic approach

 parthiv shah


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