
It’s All My Fault

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Dec 13, 2023 8:00:00 AM

If you know much about me, you know that I have been an avid student of master marketer Dan Kennedy for many years. I am part of his inner circle and pay a substantial amount each year to access his time, insight, and sage advice.

Recently he shared a story about the power of accepting blame for the things that ‘happen’ to you.

Let me give an example.

You own a small grocery store. You have a few employees, and most of your customers are locals in the tight-knit community where you’ve set up shop. Crime is not a problem in this area, so you decide to forgo the expense and never install security cameras at the registers.  

A year later, you’re reviewing the books with your accountant and noticing something is seriously wrong. There are discrepancies in both your inventory and your cash flow. You can’t make sense of this, and it takes another month to discover that a cashier who has been working for you for over a year is allowing her friends to walk out of the store without paying for items, and she’s running a scam on you with coupons.

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Topics: social networking, innovation and scalability, blog posts, sales letters, genius marketing content, path to success, podcasts, inventory, cash flow, unscrupulous, successfully operating a business, sage advice, inner circle, diamond group

The Power of The Written Word

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Dec 11, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Two of the men I admire most in marketing are Dan Kennedy and Russell Brunson. So, when these two speak, I sit up and pay attention. In one of Kennedy’s recent NO B.S. Newsletters, he shared a conversation he and Brunson had about the great Napoleon Hill.  

In it, Brunson discussed how he’d come across a course written by Hill on effective advertising. This course was pinned back in 1917, a full 20 years before he wrote the book we’ve all come to know and love, Think and Grow Rich.  

Russell Brunson found this particularly interesting because it showed that, although Hill became famous for his personal development masterpiece, Think and Grow Rich, his roots were in marketing and advertising.

Dan Kennedy goes on to discuss Hill’s earlier career, which you may not know, was as a copywriter and sales trainer for the International Correspondent School. They talked about how Hill’s time in direct sales and as a copywriter likely led to his ability to understand human nature and eventually write the influential work he’s famous for today.

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Topics: Dan Kennedy, marketing and advertising, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill, entrepreneurs, Russell Brunson, podcasts, master sales letters, seminars, influential thinker, perspectives on success, positive thoughts, principles of success, correspondence, Advanced Business Development

 parthiv shah


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