
Magic Marketing Messages

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Feb 14, 2024 8:30:00 AM

If you’ve read my blogs or marketing material, you know my thoughts on Dan Kennedy. First, he’s brilliant. Second, he’s a direct mail marketing legend. Third, even though I sometimes annoy him to no end, I have had the good fortune to be able to collaborate with him multiple times on various projects, including books we have written together.

My time with Dan and his teaching has greatly influenced how I run my company and help my clients.

Today’s blog aims to share some of his valuable guidance with you, my fellow business owner and entrepreneur.

One of the key elements Dan says is a MUST in sales is the Show-n-tell trick. You see this all the time in advertisements. A carpet cleaning service might have before, and after images of a particularly cringy carpet, they made look good as new. A hair restoration doctor who shows a full head of hair where before there was only a bald scalp.

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Topics: Personal Growth, genius marketing content, positive thoughts, personal development geniuses, blogs or marketing material, magic to your sales pitch, element of sales magic, power of analogy, financial service, demonstration or presentation, sell more dental implants, blog posts, sales letters

 parthiv shah


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