
Parthiv Shah

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Parthiv Shah is the Founder and President of, a locally grown and internationally known digital marketing agency in suburbs of Washington DC. Parthiv is a data scientist, practicing principles of BIG DATA in small business space. Parthiv core competency is market segmentation, list research and data hygiene. helps professional practices, specifically dentists, orthodontists, physicians and attorneys stay in touch and follow up with their patients or clients using proven direct response marketing techniques and marketing automation technologies. Over 300 dentists, physicians and other clients from 27 states in USA and over 8 other countries have benefited from working with Parthiv is the author of his International Best Seller book Business Kamasutra, with foreword from Dan Kennedy. which was also re-published as a special edition of Business Kamasutra for Dentists with expert commentary from Dr. Gregory Wych. Parthiv's upcoming book 'Copy That Sells' is co-authored with marketing legend Dan Kennedy. Parthiv is a co-author or contributor to six other books and his work routinely appears in various direct response publications including GKIC magazine and Dan Kennedy letter. Parthiv is routinely invited to speak as technology expert at direct marketing conferences and small group mastermind sessions. Parthiv's professional passion is fail safe follow up. Parthiv is the publisher of the Internal Marketing Machine for dentists and orthodontists that facilitates patient education and long term nurture so a dentist can stay in touch with current, past and prospective patients and deliver the right message to the right patient at the right time using email, print and telephone. Internal Marketing Machine is home to over 400 emails, over 60 printed publications and over three dozen web assets all controlled by a data intelligence process that is connected to over a dozen dental practice management systems like Dentrix and Eagle Soft. The patient education content is professionally written by high profile direct response copy writers, clinically curated by successful Dentists and Orthodontists and field tested in the market to have proven track record of success. Principles of Internal Marketing Machine and Fail Safe Follow Up Protocol are taught by several dental practice growth coaches and consultants. Parthiv's personal passion is to help young students fall in love with direct response marketing and acquire hard skills in internet marketing literacy while going through high school and college. Parthiv's learn to earn internship program has taken in over 57 students since 2009. ALL 57 students are either gainfully employed in their chosen field of studies or are still in college, learning what they love to learn. The learn to earn internship framework has also been offered as a returnship for stay at home moms and returning war veterans who want to re-enter the American workforce. Over fifteen stay at home moms and US Military veterans have benefited from this program. Parthiv has contributed over $250,000 in paid internship stipends and intern wages not counting the thousands of hours priceless hours spent by himself and eLaunchers staff who take the young students under their wings and make them marketable. Internship at eLaunchers only starts, it never ends. If any of Parthiv's intern fails to get a job, Parthiv will take them back and re-train them. was named Small Business of The Year in 2016 and Parthiv was inducted in GKIC direct response hall of fame in 2017. While Parthiv got his MBA in 1994, he has been a life long student of direct response marketing, marketing automation principles, database marketing, data intelligence and technologies that facilitate marketing. Parthiv has a desire to some day join a doctoral program and do a desertion paper on the subject of pixel estate. Parthiv believes that the internet is a SPACE that is as real as REAL ESTATE, and that makes every business owner who has any presence on the internet a pixel estate investor. Like real estate, your pixel estate has your campus with specific PLACE for every pixel structure. Your pixel estate is blueprinted by systems architects, your pixel assets are built by skilled developers. A very special place called home page is the gateway to your campus on pixel estate. This theorizes that every business with even the most modest presence on the web a pixel estate investor. Modern history has shown that companies who have higher investment in their pixel estate portfolio compared to their real estate portfolio have out performed their rivals by land slide. Parthiv is working with his guide Dr. Stephen Roulac on developing an algorithm and comparison model that will help business owners decide what their pixel estate portfolio could be. Parthiv believes that your pixel estate portfolio is part of a comprehensive marketing portfolio that is made of pixel estate, paper estate, people estate and data estate. Parthiv's origins in to direct marketing come from his direct mail background. Parthiv has worked for over 10000 direct mail marketing projects and mailed over a billion (with a B), over a billion pieces of direct mail. Parthiv is a GKIC Certified Magnetic Marketing Advisor (2010), Infusionsoft Certified Partner (2011), Digital Marketer Certified Partner (2014), Click Funnels Certified Partner (2015) and Hubspot Certified Partner (2017). In addition, Parthiv is trained on, ZOHO, Microsoft Dynamics and six other cloud based and desktop CRM systems. While the company was born in 2002, Parthiv only began working with Dentists and orthodontists since 2010. Parthiv is a veteran from Indian Air Force, member of Lions Club, a Leadership Montgomery Core Program graduate (class of 2016) and a proud dad of an Eagle Scout. Parthiv lives with his wife Dipali Shah and his parents in Maryland. Their son Rahul Shah is a student at Rochester Institute of Technology and a recipient of prestigious Presidential Scholarship at RIT. Rahul is studying for a Bachelors degree in Human Centered Technology with concentration in Learning Systems and Accessibility with emersion in American Sign Language. Upon graduation, Rahul wants to contribute his talents to the field of distance learning and computer assisted learning for hearing impaired students.
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The Biggest Frustrations in Corporate America Is Your Company Feeling the Heat?

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Oct 21, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Running a business feels like a juggling act, especially when you’ve got employees feeling undervalued, underpaid, and overwhelmed. A recent article in Entrepreneur by David James laid it all out: salary dissatisfaction, lack of appreciation, and poor work-life balance are the top reasons employees are fed up. And it’s not just the employees; HR teams are feeling the squeeze too, struggling with time management and constantly putting out fires.

It’s a mess out there, and if you’re feeling it in your own company, you’re not alone. The survey revealed that almost 30% of HR professionals said the number one complaint from employees is feeling underpaid, followed closely by feeling unappreciated and having a poor work-life balance. These aren’t just numbers; they’re signals that something is off and needs to be fixed—fast.

Is Your Company Guilty of These Mistakes?

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Topics: actionable strategies, businesses focus, Reengagement, Corporate America, loyal fan

Losing Customers? Here’s Why It’s Happening and How You Can Fix It

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Oct 16, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Dear Reader,

It hurts to lose customers. You work hard to attract them, invest time and money in your marketing, deliver a great product or service—and yet, they disappear. It’s frustrating, it’s disheartening, and it can feel like you’re constantly chasing your tail just to stay afloat. But here’s the truth: most customer losses don’t happen because of the competition. They happen because of failure points in your business.

Common Failure Points That Drive Customers Away

To solve the problem, you need to understand where things are going wrong. Too often, businesses focus all their energy on getting new customers in the door and neglect what happens after. And that’s where you’re likely to find failure points:

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Topics: customer experience, unique knowledge, authority-makers, trust-builders, build loyalty, customer interacts, businesses focus, Reengagement, loyal fan

Family Business Drama? Here’s How to Create Marketing Everyone Can Agree On

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Oct 14, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Dear Reader,

Running a family business can be great—working alongside people you trust, building something meaningful together, and creating a legacy that’s about so much more than profit. Still, let’s be honest; it can also feel like you’re herding cats. Everyone’s pulling in a different direction, and your family business goes from a dream to a nightmare.

There’s a unique dynamic at play when you’re in business with family. Decisions aren’t just business—they’re personal. And that’s where things get messy, especially when it comes to marketing. Everyone has an opinion, and sometimes those opinions clash. Maybe Dad wants to keep doing things the old way, Mom’s pushing for a modern approach, and the kids are eager to try the latest social media trend. Sound familiar?

The Double-Edged Sword of Family Dynamics

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Topics: profit, Innovation, loyalty, consistency, internal struggles, Family Drama, respects each perspective, blending tradition, strengthened

Don’t Let Your Great Ideas Die Build a Brand That Makes Them Unforgettable

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Oct 9, 2024 8:00:00 AM

We’ve all seen it happen: a company launches a groundbreaking product, yet it flops because nobody knows about it or understands its value. Meanwhile, another company takes a simple idea, wraps it in a powerful story, and suddenly, it’s the next big thing everyone’s talking about. Success doesn’t just hinge on innovation; it’s about telling your story, building your brand, and connecting with your audience.

Visionary branding takes a product from being just another option on the shelf to becoming an icon that people can’t stop talking about. It’s about creating a narrative that showcases what you do, why you do it, and why it matters to the people you serve. When done right, visionary branding can amplify your innovation, making your business unforgettable.

Why Branding and Narrative Matter

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Topics: Innovation, Build a Brand, groundbreaking product, creating a narrative, visionary branding, empowering creativity, Inspire, designing marketing

Don’t Just Compete LEAD!

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Oct 7, 2024 8:00:00 AM

If you’ve been in business long enough, you know that being seen as the go-to expert in your field can be a game-changer. But here’s the reality: no one is going to hand you that authority. You have to earn it, and one of the best ways to do that is by creating valuable content that showcases your expertise.

Dan Kennedy, a legend in marketing and a mentor to so many of us, always emphasizes the importance of positioning yourself as the authority in your industry. It’s not just about being good at what you do; it’s about making sure everyone else knows it. Writing books and special reports and offering other valuable content can set you apart from the competition, build trust, and attract clients who are eager to work with you because they see you as the expert.

Why Content Establishes Authority

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Topics: special report, stand out, trust factor, Establishes Authority, educating patients, advanced dental care, unique knowledge, authority-makers, business drivers, trust-builders

Why Every Business Needs a Magnetic Marketing Strategy Lessons from the GKIC Direct Response Hall of Fame

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Sep 25, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Imagine a world where your ideal customers come to you – where they seek you out, eager to do business with you, without you having to chase them down. This dream becomes a reality for those who harness the power of Magnetic Marketing, and it’s a transformative strategy.

Magnetic Marketing isn’t about shouting louder than your competition or desperately trying to grab attention. It’s about attracting the right people – those who are already interested in what you offer – and making them feel compelled to choose you over anyone else. It’s about creating a magnet that pulls customers in rather than pushing your message out to the masses and hoping for the best.

As a GKIC Certified Magnetic Marketing Advisor and a proud member of the GKIC Direct Response Hall of Fame, I’ve seen firsthand how powerful this approach can be. It’s a set of tactics and a way of thinking about marketing that shifts the focus from selling to attracting. And when you do it right, the results can be extraordinary.

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Topics: Magnetic Marketing, Direct Marketing Success, Strategy, and Leadership, stand out, leverage, compelling website, trust factor

The Power of Direct Mail: Why Over a Billion Pieces Have Been Sent with eLaunchers

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Sep 23, 2024 8:00:00 AM

In a world dominated by digital noise, there’s something almost magical about holding a piece of direct mail in your hands. While others chase the latest digital fad, savvy marketers know that direct mail is, to this day, one of the most powerful tools in their arsenal. It’s not flashy or trendy, but it works – and it has for decades.

At eLaunchers, we’ve sent over a billion pieces of direct mail. Yes, you read that right – a billion. That’s not just a number; it’s proof that, in the right hands, direct mail can drive results like nothing else.

But why, in the age of email and social media, does direct mail still work? The answer lies in its tangible, personal nature. When you send someone a piece of direct mail, you’re not just another fleeting message in their inbox or a forgettable ad in their social feed. You’re putting something physical in their hands, something they can touch, hold, and engage with. Direct mail demands attention in a way that digital media simply can’t.

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Topics: Direct Marketing Success, Strategy, and Leadership, goals, resounding success, business mission, message crafting, Power of Direct Mail, personal nature, targeting, extensive experience, captures attention

Building a Legacy How Being an Eagle Scout Dad Shapes My Approach to Business

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Sep 18, 2024 8:00:00 AM

When I look back at my journey as a father, one of the proudest moments was when my son earned his Eagle Scout rank. The road to becoming an Eagle Scout isn’t easy; it’s a journey marked by challenges, hard work, and a commitment to a set of values that shape young boys into strong, capable leaders. As an Eagle Scout dad, I’ve had the privilege of watching my son grow, and in the process, I’ve been reminded of the values that truly matter – values that I carry into my work every single day.

The principles that guide the Boy Scouts – trustworthiness, loyalty, helpfulness, and integrity – aren’t just ideals for young men; they’re the very foundation of strong leadership in business. At eLaunchers, these are the values that drive every decision I make, every strategy I develop, and every interaction I have with my clients.

Trustworthiness is at the core of everything I do. In business, trust is earned, not given. Just as my son earned the trust of his fellow scouts through his actions and commitment, I work hard to earn the trust of my clients. This means being honest, transparent, and dependable. When you work with me, you can trust that I’ll always have your best interests at heart, and I’ll deliver on my promises, no matter what.

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Topics: hard work, Direct Marketing Success, Strategy, and Leadership, goals, resounding success, business mission, Building a Legacy, Eagle Scout rank, capable leaders, trustworthiness, loyalty, helpfulness, and integrity, honest, transparent, long-term relationships

From the Indian Air Force to Direct Marketing Success Lessons in Discipline, Strategy, and Leadership

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Sep 16, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Imagine a young man, disciplined and focused, standing on the tarmac of an Indian Air Force base. That young man was me, Parthiv Shah. Back then, my world was one of precision, strategy, and unwavering commitment to the mission at hand. Little did I know that the lessons I learned in the Indian Air Force would later become the foundation of my success in the world of direct marketing.

The transition from a military career to becoming a direct marketing expert might seem like a leap, but the truth is, the principles that make a good soldier are the same ones that make a great marketer. In the Air Force, every mission begins with a clear objective, a detailed plan, and a commitment to execution. There’s no room for guesswork. You assess the situation, gather intelligence, create a strategy, and then execute it with precision.

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Topics: Lessons in Discipline, Indian Air Force, Direct Marketing Success, Strategy, and Leadership, goals, resounding success, business mission

A Day at the Races: How Dan Kennedy Taught Me the Power of the Trifecta in Marketing

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Sep 11, 2024 8:00:00 AM

I have a fun story to share with you today.

One sunny afternoon, I found myself at the horse race track with Dan Kennedy. Now, let me be clear – I know little about gambling and even less about horse racing. But Dan? He’s an expert. He knows the ins and outs, the odds, the strategies, and every angle there is to play. I was just there to have fun, soak up the atmosphere, and maybe, just maybe, place a winning bet.

The air was thick with excitement. The smell of popcorn and hot dogs mingled with the scent of freshly cut grass. The horses, sleek and powerful, pranced in their stalls, ready for the next race. Dan and I were in the stands, enjoying the spectacle. Dan, as usual, was in his element, analyzing the race program, making notes, and sharing his thoughts on which horse had the best shot at winning.

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Topics: digital marketing, financial independence, Trifecta in Marketing, tactic, strategy, campaign, chances of success

 parthiv shah


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