
Pick up the Phone Already!

Posted by eLaunchers on Jul 9, 2020 6:19:58 PM


Pandemic! Riots! Fear! Panic!

Businesses have been shut down for weeks and millions are out of work...

And still many of my clients are calling me, concerned that people aren't calling them.

“Parthiv, I don't know what to do. My ads aren't working like they used to, my direct mail isn't pulling at the same rate, and people aren't buying from my emails like they used to. What do I do?”

My answer is always the same...

Are you calling them?

And their answer is inevitably the same.


Look, there's no question that we need to work harder in this economy to get sales. If we aren't willing to put in some extra effort, you might as well close up shop now.

However, if you are willing to add a phone call follow up into your process, you'll be shocked at the result. With so many people stuck at home, a friendly voice will be a welcome call.

The simple truth is that no one else is calling so be in  a category of one...

If you just reach out and say Hi, you will oftentimes get the business. It really is that simple. People are starved for human interaction right now so talking to someone other than the cat will be a big bonus.

The phone is powerful. It should be used all the time. And it MUST be used now! People are being overwhelmed with digital messages. Use this as your breakthrough   moment to go back to basics.

Call me, or click here, if you need help with a script, a phone strategy, or figuring out where you should put the call in your funnel.

To your profits,


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Topics: Business Growth, elaunchers, Customer Retention, lead generation, Marketing education, customer journey

 parthiv shah


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