
171 ways to LOSE a million dollars

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Dec 15, 2018 8:28:53 AM

No one likes to lose money. Yet, we ALL lose money every day. I recently discovered there are at least 171 ways to lose a million dollars, believe it or don’t. We count money we make, we count money we spend, we count money we owe, we count money owed to us, we count money which we pay taxes on, we count money we save... but we fail to count money that we do not make.

The whole concept of "fortune not made" can be devastating to a small business that happens to be struggling to merely survive. It can most certainly slow down the growth of a thriving business as well. There is no accounting system for lost data, lost money and "fortune not made".

So the problem is real. Some call it unconverted leads or lost opportunities problem. Clinicians call it unscheduled treatment plans. At we call this problem diamonds in your database.

This problem is amplified in the life of physicians, cosmetic dentists, orthodontists, cosmetic surgeons, attorneys and any business who sells a high value product or service.

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Topics: marketing automation, marketing for dentists, Databox Dashboard, eLuanchers Marketing Department In A Box

Annual Business Planning for 2019

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Nov 23, 2018 10:46:59 AM

Thanksgiving holiday weekend is an excellent time to review 2018 business plan and begin preparation of a game plan for 2019.

Back in 2014 Dipa and I went to Infusionsoft headquarters to participate in Infusionsoft Elite Forum and created our first ever Everest diagram.

Bringing home the Elite framework was one of the best business decission we have ever made. In this blog I am going to share the annual planning, quarterly review and monthly progress monitring process. We have modified what we learned from Elite Forum to suite our needs and adopted tools that are appropriate for our size business.Today, I am going to share my planning process. I hope this helps my business owner friends.

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Topics: Implementation, Infusionsoft, eLuanchers Marketing Department In A Box, Elite Forum, Business Plan

BYOT: Buy Your Own Technology

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Nov 13, 2018 7:00:23 PM

In order to capture and convert a steady stream of leads, manage the journey of a prospect before their first transaction, and to build out of a life long relationship, you need a system. A system that is made up of rituals, rhythm, and technology that manages your ritual and rhythm.

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Topics: digital marketer, Infusionsoft, inbound marketing, eLuanchers Marketing Department In A Box

Ultimate Conversion Concepts Platform

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Nov 8, 2018 1:56:00 PM

In order to grow your business, you are going to need three things. These three things can only be successful when applied together. You cannot have one on its own and expect to grow and be successful. If anything, you are losing money, time, and effort to get that one part up without the others. After you have these three things, you will acquire growth that is triggered by your efforts and managed by your diligence. You do not need anything else other than all three. Here are the three things:

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Topics: lead generation, No BS, Databox Dashboard, eLuanchers Marketing Department In A Box

Marketing Math Worksheets

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Nov 8, 2018 10:51:00 AM

We believe that marketing is made up of five core elements. Arts, Language, Time, Data and Money. 

While you need an artistic brain and an understanding of buying psychology to be creative on arts and language front, deals are made of time, data and money. Every marketer, regardless of their background and their current role in marketing must understand the basic marketing math.

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Topics: Magnetic Marketing, eLuanchers Marketing Department In A Box

 parthiv shah


Are you one of the 99% of small businesses who are spending money on marketing but unhappy with results & ROI?

I can help you establish controls and measurements so you can know, understand and MEASURE what is working and what is not working in real time. In one hour I will help you identify your KPI (Key Performance Indicators) and connect all your digital marketing assets (website, social media, finance) to a digital dashboard and a mobile app so you can track and measure everything going forward in real time.




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