
Brand and Lead Generation Marketing

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Mar 30, 2019 1:30:39 AM

Difference between brand marketing and lead generation marketing.

In a world where consumerism is increasingly driving everything and businesses struggle hard to ensure their product gets sold over their competitors’ products, branding is one of the most important factors to consider when it comes to marketing. It has also got to do with how consumers are increasingly becoming brand conscious to the extent that many people identify themselves with the brands they use.

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Topics: Magnetic Marketing, Marketing to affluent, marketing for dentists, authority marketing, Business Plan

Short and Long Term Goals

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Mar 30, 2019 1:24:59 AM

Understanding the short-term and long-term goals of a new Marketing Client.

Development of a good clientele is highly essential for the growth of any business. Having a marketing professional’s expertise at the disposal of a new client is vital as it is a cynosure in nurturing and constructing long-term associations between the customer and the marketer. As a marketing professional, it is essential to cater to the needs and satisfy the client’s requirements to build a relationship and do business with them.  To create a good rapport and trust with the right set of clientele, the professional marketing needs to inherently understand the client’s brand to make it more visible and feasible for their product to reach a broader range of customers.

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Topics: Magnetic Marketing, Marketing to affluent, marketing for dentists, authority marketing, Business Plan


Posted by Parthiv Shah on Mar 30, 2019 12:50:17 AM

Why a Guarantee is in your client’s best interest?

Ever bought a phone or an electronic device without warranty and smacked yourself because the cost it took to repair the equipment, when it broke down, went into thousands of dollars? We often see this happen when more important purchases like expensive gadgets, daily utility items like kitchen tools, handiwork tools, and even cars break down. While it is unthinkable to make expensive purchases like a car or that swanky iPhone without insurance, most often it is the "guarantee" factor that attracts customers while making a purchasing decision, no matter what the price or variety is, of the product/service you sell. In this post, we explore more into why offering a guarantee on your products/services does a ton of good for you and more importantly, your customers.

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Topics: Magnetic Marketing, Marketing to affluent, marketing for dentists, authority marketing, Business Plan

Promotional Marketing

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Mar 30, 2019 12:34:08 AM

What is Promotional Marketing and What makes it important?

BOGO, or up to 50% off on select merchandise - we love a deal that says this and often throngs to a website or a store to browse through the products/services under promotional offers from time to time. While it's an excellent opportunity for buyers to stock up on outcomes during a promotional sale, it's equally fetching for companies. In this post, we delve into the concepts that circle around promotional marketing, why giving your customers a good deal ends up being profitable for you, and the right ways to do it - through tried and tested methods from successful brands.

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Topics: Magnetic Marketing, Marketing to affluent, marketing for dentists, authority marketing, Business Plan

Content Calendars

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Mar 30, 2019 12:29:26 AM

A week before Christmas last year, a famous illustrator based in New York was bombarded with calls from various clients asking for commissioned work to be done, themed around the holidays. While the illustrator was busy with previously assigned work, most of these potential clients were declined. This is a classic example of planning gone wrong from the client’s side. The glitch could have easily been avoided with some foresight and essential content planning. A useful marketing tool that helps you do just that is a content planner. Much like a regular planner that provides insight into your upcoming activities, content planners give your marketing team a much-needed blueprint to work with. There are many reasons why content planners as a tool are highly useful for your brand’s image to stay relevant.

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Topics: Magnetic Marketing, Marketing to affluent, marketing for dentists, authority marketing, Business Plan

Marketing Budget

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Mar 29, 2019 2:49:47 PM

Let’s say you have a startup or a small business with a brilliant product or service.  Effectively marketing the product/service is the only way one can go about ensuring a loyal base of customers. At this point, it is imperative to have a budget for marketing, in other words, an amount of money that is earmarked for marketing. This budget can be utilized towards paid advertising, generating web/social media content, social media promotions and more. Among the working costs of a company, the marketing budget accounts for about 11% on average, according to WebStrategies, Inc 

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Topics: Magnetic Marketing, Marketing to affluent, marketing for dentists, authority marketing, Business Plan

Just how many marketing pillars must be sacrificed to please a client?

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Dec 17, 2018 9:46:35 PM

Sometimes, there is just not enough money to do EVERYTHING you would like to do.

Recently, I had the privilege of talking to a prospect who wanted to enlist me to her team and support her event. We talked about her needs, her long-term vision, short-term goals and the project on deck.

I asked for $57,500. She said, "you are ON, but, you' ve got to make do with $20K. That's all we can invest in this project at this time. What can we do?"

Responses like this place me in an awkward position. As the process engineer, I now have to decide which battles are worth fighting, and what MUST get accomplished between this moment and March, when the event is to occur. I need to figure out a way to make-do and remove certain marketing assets so as to not compromise the event’s marketing needs. 

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Topics: marketing workflow automation, Databox Dashboard, authority marketing, elaunchers Marketing Departement in A Box

Authority Marketing With Rusty Shelton

Posted by eLaunchers on Nov 8, 2018 2:35:46 PM

Litening to Rusty Shelton from Advantage was enlightening. While most of things he discussed in authority marketing and content marketing is considered common sense to savvy digital marketers and hubspot users, his take on exactly how to develop your content strategy and the mechanics of messaging was very interesting. 

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Topics: inbound marketing, authority marketing

 parthiv shah


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