
Things That Make Your Audience Distressed.

Posted by eLaunchers on Jul 6, 2021 8:30:00 AM


Marketing can be intimidating and frustrating. This statement is true for both marketers and customers! While marketers often stress about engagement rates, open rates and other KPI’s (key performance indicators) – customers get upset by other things. 


The average consumer is not well versed in many trackers and surveillance pixels that are set up on most web pages. But they do know they are being stalked.  Yes, marketers track almost everything that you do on the web, and yes, third parties are getting access to your information. No, marketers are not collecting customer’s private information…well they kinda do, but it is anonymized. It is complicated, check out my iOS 14.5 and iOS 15 blogs if you would like to know more about this topic.



Yes, customers are not very fond of cheesy slogans in the marketing – who would have thought! To be serious, the only way to combat this problem is to write more personal and creative copy!


Gated content

If you are offering FREE content, then gating it is quite upsetting to many potential clients.


Aggressive Pop-Ups 

You get to a webpage and before you have time to figure out where you want to look, the whole site is blocked and locked by a pop-up. THAT is annoying. There is good reason to use them but some companies like to use scammy tactics forcing the client to press on fake “close buttons”, put ads in pop-ups and sneakily redirecting users to other resources. The best advice I can give you in setting up your pop-up is to be respectful of your customer and do everything in moderation. Being shady, misleading and aggressive might get you some dollars in a short time, but it will defiantly cost you more money in lost reputation. 


Slow traffic

This is the end all and be all of major frustration on the web. Slow websites make  customers leave as we live in an age of instant gratification. On average, people's attention spans are getting smaller and smaller. Some marketing research even suggests that the consumer’s attention span is now shorter than that of a goldfish. I personally don’t hold such radical views, but I always make sure that my website loads quickly. I recommend you do the same with your web resources.


Thank you for reading this list! If you need more indepth help with your marketing, let us know.

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Topics: Business Growth, digital marketer, target marketing

 parthiv shah


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