
Get Up and Try Again!

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Mar 20, 2024 8:30:00 AM

"Stored In Every Human Being Are Great Reserves Of Energy Of Which The Average Individual Knows Nothing."
- Robert Collier

In your journey through life, obstacles are inevitable. Challenges arise, setbacks occur, and sometimes, it may feel like giving up is the only option. But there’s an old saying, “If you find yourself going through hell, keep going.”

When the road ahead seems daunting, and the weight of adversity bears down upon you, that’s when you have to decide to push through. The only other option is to give in to misery and despair, and this is no option at all.

It's in the moments of struggle that the power of perseverance shines brightest. Because when we feel like we can’t go on even another step, this is when we are often closest to success.

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Topics: Secrets of Success Society, potential for success, road to success, KEY TO SUCCESS, Reserves Of Energy, opportunities for growth, obstacles are inevitable, strength, and persevere, success of your business


Posted by Parthiv Shah on Mar 18, 2024 8:30:00 AM

Did you know that fear of failure is one of the main reasons people FAIL to start in the first place?

This is so sad to me. It means they’ve failed before giving themselves the chance to see if they could succeed.

Too many of us are stopped if we think we might fail. We see failure as a verdict on our abilities or, worse, a sign that we should abandon our dreams completely.

Here’s the problem. This perspective is fatally flawed. This is why I see failure not as a stopping point or a step backward but as feedback.

Or better yet, think of it as food for thought.

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Topics: The Secret of the Ages, Secrets of Success Society, potential for success, fear of failure, growth opportunities, road to success, KEY TO SUCCESS, failures to grow, achieve their dreams

Change Your Thinking Change Your World

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Mar 13, 2024 8:30:00 AM

What if I told you that you have the power to change your life simply by changing your thoughts? A lofty claim? Maybe, maybe not. According to Charles F. Haanel, author of The Master Key System, it's not only possible to transform your life by changing your thought patterns, but people do it all the time, day in and day out, without even realizing it.

Haanel's teachings center around the idea that our thoughts are the driving force behind our reality. He says, "Thought is the real causative force in life." He suggests that our thoughts determine our actions, our habits, and, ultimately, our destinies.

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Topics: Personal Growth, The Secret of the Ages, Predictable growth, meaningful goals, future opportunities or growth, personal development coaches, mindset of gratitude, mindset and strategy

Burn The Ships!

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Mar 11, 2024 8:30:00 AM

Have you heard the story of Hernan Cortes? Cortes was a Spanish conquistador who led the expedition that resulted in the fall of the Aztec Empire. As the legend goes, in 1519, Hernán Cortés set sail from Cuba to explore and conquer the rich lands of Mexico. When he and his crew arrived in Mexico, they faced significant challenges, including resistance from the indigenous peoples and dissent among Cortés' men, who feared the dangers they faced in this unknown land.

According to the legend, Cortés, in a bold move to inspire unwavering commitment from his men, ordered them to burn their ships. By destroying their means of retreat, Cortés effectively eliminated the option of turning back. With no possibility of returning to Cuba, the only path forward for Cortés and his crew was to press on into the unknown, conquer the land, or perish in the attempt.

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Topics: Personal Growth, The Secret of the Ages, considering possibilities, unwavering commitment, planned exit strategy, potential for success, brainstorming solutions

Believe It and Make It So

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Mar 6, 2024 8:15:00 AM

Today, I have something special for you.

One of the most influential thinkers and personal development coaches I’ve been exposed to is the businessman and writer Robert Collier. Robert is most well-known for his book “The Secret of the Ages,” one I’ve had the pleasure to peruse while exploring the vaults of the Secrets of Success Society.  

Collier’s writing often emphasizes the power of the mind, the power of positive thinking, and the use of visualization to manifest desired outcomes.

Recently, Russell Brunson, founder of the Secrets of Success Society (Among other things), led a discussion with the group about The Secrets of The Ages. I was pleased that we landed on many of the same valuable points and takeaways.

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Topics: Personal Growth, The Secret of the Ages, Predictable growth, influential thinkers, meaningful goals, achievable, future opportunities or growth, personal development coaches, achieving meaningful goals

Ask Better Questions

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Mar 4, 2024 8:30:00 AM

I love having a few moments of spare time. For me, they seem to come few and far between. When I find myself with time to breathe, maybe in the back of an Uber, on a plane, or late at night when I can’t quite fall asleep, I often find comfort in perusing the vaults of Russell Brunson’s Secrets of Success Society.

Russell has put together a virtual treasure trove of insight and wisdom with transformative power for his members. If you’ve read my blogs, you know how much I’ve enjoyed reading the works of Napolean Hill, David Ogilvy, P.T. Barnum, and dozens of others now available at my fingertips.

Recently, I was reviewing the work of Robert Collier, and I came across something that resonated with me.  

Let me sum it up here…

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Topics: Personal Growth, entrepreneurs, philosophers, Secrets of Success Mastermind Community, new opportunity, new strategy, philosophers, and entrepreneurs., treasure trove of published, virtual treasure, gain a competitive advantage

What Are You Doing With Your Down Time?

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Feb 26, 2024 8:30:00 AM

Have you ever noticed how many people are glued to their phones? Are you one of them? If you have a free moment at a red light…on the bus…in bed before the lights go out…are you grabbing your phone? Are you scrolling social media, reading endless and pointless news streams, or watching influencers do things you wouldn’t consider in your wildest dreams?

What are you doing with your downtime?

Russell Brunson began asking this question a while ago and found that too many of us are wasting these valuable moments of our lives. Instead of using them to foster better relationships with loved ones, improve our bodies with exercise, or train our minds, we squander these precious moments with endless nonsense that leaves us unfulfilled and wanting.

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Topics: Personal Growth, Think and Grow Rich, Predictable growth, business opportunity, bring positive outcomes, scrolling social media, Secrets of Success Society, Secrets of Success Mastermind Community, genuine discussions, power of optimism

The Smartest Move – Invest in You!

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Feb 21, 2024 8:30:00 AM

“In the grand game of wealth, the surest bet is on the terrain you know best.” - Warren Buffett

I firmly believe in making money work for you and investing in your future. I know many who’ve increased their wealth through stock market investments, and I know just as many who’ve lost a fortune playing the same game. Most people who dabble in the market will tell you it’s not a haven for your hard-earned cash. And the truly affluent business owners I know didn't amass fortunes from the S&P 500 or by buying TSLA or the QQQs; they invested in the one business that truly matters—their own.

Investing in your own business is a wise move in any market—Bull or Bear. No one knows your business better than you, and strategic decisions can propel your wealth more effectively than most market ventures. Putting money into marketing…investing in research and development, or upgrading your customer experience yields predictable results. And that’s how you keep control in your court. Negative jobs report? That's okay; you know it won't disrupt your daily operations and investments.   If something goes wrong in the markets overseas—no worries; your customers, clients, patients, or patrons are still lining up to do business with you.

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Topics: strategic marketing, Think and Grow Rich, Russell Brunson, The Secret of the Ages, success and personal growth., Predictable growth, more focused, The Smartest Move, improve infrastructure, solid foundation for growth, enhance skills, launch marketing campaigns, strengths and growth

Secrets of The Most Successful Among Us

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Feb 19, 2024 8:30:00 AM

For the past several months, I’ve been privileged to be a part of the exclusive Secrets of Success Society created by the wizard of Click Funnels, Russell Brunson. When I joined this society, I was handed virtual keys to a vault containing a treasure trove of wisdom from some of the greatest thinkers of our time.

This alone was worth the price of admission to this group, but when I discovered the comradery that came with membership in this exclusive society, the value increased tenfold.

If you're reading this, fully engaged and wanting to know more, we're kindred spirits. When I first heard about Russell Brunson's mastermind group, I was eager to learn more. Discovering the company I'd be in and the benefits of this group, I thought, "Sign me up! This is my tribe!"

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Topics: Personal Growth, personal development, philosophy of success, positive thoughts, The Secrets of the Ages, power of habits, financial independence, responsibility and accountability, The Art of Money Getting, mention goal setting, influential personal development presences

Magic Marketing Messages

Posted by Parthiv Shah on Feb 14, 2024 8:30:00 AM

If you’ve read my blogs or marketing material, you know my thoughts on Dan Kennedy. First, he’s brilliant. Second, he’s a direct mail marketing legend. Third, even though I sometimes annoy him to no end, I have had the good fortune to be able to collaborate with him multiple times on various projects, including books we have written together.

My time with Dan and his teaching has greatly influenced how I run my company and help my clients.

Today’s blog aims to share some of his valuable guidance with you, my fellow business owner and entrepreneur.

One of the key elements Dan says is a MUST in sales is the Show-n-tell trick. You see this all the time in advertisements. A carpet cleaning service might have before, and after images of a particularly cringy carpet, they made look good as new. A hair restoration doctor who shows a full head of hair where before there was only a bald scalp.

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Topics: Personal Growth, genius marketing content, positive thoughts, personal development geniuses, blogs or marketing material, magic to your sales pitch, element of sales magic, power of analogy, financial service, demonstration or presentation, sell more dental implants, blog posts, sales letters

 parthiv shah


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