
The Most Powerful Money Machine in Existence...

Posted by eLaunchers on Apr 28, 2020 8:00:00 AM


Today’s post is going to be short and sweet.  


The most powerful money making machine ever invented is NOT the computer…


It is the phone!


The phone is like a printing press that can create a rush of cash for your business at will. 


I am an Internet, technology, and automation guy…


I love how technology can help us as marketers to shorten the sales cycle, keep in touch with prospects and clients, and how the Internet has made almost every business truly borderless.


However, there is NOTHING that can replace a phone call when it comes to closing a deal that you can not do in person. The personal touch is always the best way to go.


If you aren’t using the phone all the time in your business, it’s time to change that.  Email and social media are great to stay top of mind with clients and prospects, but they can not get tonality correct in what you may be trying to get across to your audience. It can save a multitude of back and forth in texts, emails and social media messages when you just pick up the phone to have a one on one conversation.


Using the phone lets the client or prospect know that you are interested in what they have to say, that it is a truly personal message for them.


Being able to answer all their questions in one interaction can help smooth the way to a closing. 


I highly recommend you add a phone step to your follow up, and you can thank me later. 


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Topics: elaunchers, Technology, business planning, target marketing, deliverability

 parthiv shah


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