
The Future of Facebook and Marketing

Posted by eLaunchers on Jan 31, 2013 10:34:02 AM



There is one certainty that can be written about technology. It will change. The way that people use technology in the future will be different from how it is used now. Facebook is a great example of the change. It has only been around for less than ten years and in that time has attracted hundreds of millions of members. The Facebook that we see today is very different from the Facebook that was launched in 2004. The way that people use it has changed as well. Many people wonder what Facebook will look like in the future. It may be hard to predict, but there are some things to look forward to.


The Facebook phenomenon began small in Harvard University. For a long time the biggest Facebook market has been the United States. Currently there are over 150 million Facebook users in the US. India is a distant third with about 50 million users. The experts are predicting that by 2015, India will have more users than any other country in the world. This is in large part due to the population of 1.2 billion in India, but also to their growth in the areas of technology.


It is also thought that the age of the average Facebook user will drop. While users are supposed to be over 13, many young children get a Facebook page by lying about their birthdate. The combination of a younger demographic from a different part of the world will affect how businesses are using Facebook for marketing.
Businesses will have to make sure that the messages they send through Facebook are going to appeal to the right audience. Recent changes have given Facebook users more control over the content they receive. If a business does not adapt to these changes, Facebook will not be helpful to them in the future.

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