
How Remarketing Can Improve Conversion Rates

Posted by eLaunchers on Feb 2, 2013 11:00:29 AM



Any owner of an eCommerce store can tell you the importance of having their customers complete their checkout after they fill up their shopping carts. In a handful of situations though, potential customers end up abandoning their shopping cart for various reasons and they never complete their purchase. This can be very discouraging to eCommerce store owners because these customers end up getting so far, only to abandon their shopping cart or never finish filling out a form. Email marketing campaigns hold many benefits to marketers and will improve conversion rates by a lot.

When customers abandon their shopping carts or leave before completing a form, it is important to know why. There are a number of reasons why someone would not proceed to checkout when shopping online. Many times, customers just are not ready to purchase an item, but would like to have the item saved in a shopping cart for when they are ready. Another reason is because customers wanted to compare prices on another website. One of the biggest reasons has to do with the price of the item or the cost of shipping. These are all valid reasons, and with email marketing campaigns, marketers have a better chance at getting their customers back.


These types of email campaigns can offer incentives to customers who come back to finish their order such as free shipping or 10% off of their purchase. Incentives like this will have an impact on whether or not the customer finishes their order and whether or not they will be a returning customer. With email remarketing, marketers can send emails that contain more relevant and engaging content to the customer. The email remarketing can be synchronized with a customer’s activity on the website. This will help to determine what kind of content to add to the email. When emails are filled with more relevant content, the conversion rates will improve.


Email remarking is a great option for eCommece websites, but it is not the right choice for every online business. It can be costly and for businesses that do not have a lot of orders and do not have a lot of traffic, email marketing may not be beneficial. Those businesses that use email marketing though have had an increased conversion rate though.

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