Who Is Parthiv Shah

Parthiv is the very hands-on CEO and Founder of eLaunchers and developer of Sell More Implants™.  
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Data Management
Data Scientist, Data-Mining & Data-Modeling Specialist


Direct Response
Direct-Response Marketing Specialist
SWOT Analysis Expert with a Patent on his System




Parthiv is First and Foremost a Data Scientist

He “looks into” our practice and patient information and can “see” what you can’t, with the naked eye. Using highly sophisticated DATA-MINING, MODELING and MATCHING tools he is, to put it simply, able to find and extract “stored value” inside your past and present; inactive and active patient records, past and current leads that you CANNOT do on your own, with “the naked eye.” 

Meet Parthiv

Parthiv Shah and eLaunchers


He has studied all the Works and strategies of over 100 people in this field, including Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Seth Godin, Russell Brunson, Brian Kurtz, and he has invested well over $1-million in this focused education.

Parthiv is the author of 12 books he’s applied all this directly to dental practices since 2001. Sell-More-Implants™ System is the latest breakthrough to come out of his laboratory.

His SCIENTIFIC MARKETING is so unusually and exceptionally effective that he has been granted U.S. PATENT #11,507,967 for his unique method of SWOT ANALYSIS (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and for developing Growth Strategies

Parthiv owns eLaunchers, a CERTIFIED implementation agency for HubSpot, Keap & Mailbox Power for customer relations and marketing automation. Parthiv uses sophisticated tools and technologies like Dental Intel, Databos, IDI, and others. In 2022 Parhiv won his 2nd 2CC award from ClickFunnels.

Parthiv has mailed over a BILLION pieces of direct mail, worked for over a thousand clients (dentists and non-dentists) and worked on over 10,000 direct marketing projects.


Read his story below and you’ll understand!  Ryan Deiss, Founder of DIGITAL MARKETER says: “Parthiv is the hardest working man in America!”

Parthiv has a stellar reputation within the dental and dental leader communities.

Dental industry leaders recognizing Parthiv’s exceptional expertise and unique contributions to practice growth include Dr Tom Orent, Dr John Meiss, Dr Dustin Burleson, Dr Christopher Phelps, Dr Carlo Biasucci, and others. He is a Board Member of IAOC, International Academy of Ceramic Implantology.
The level of sophistication and science in the Sell More Implants™ System has typically been affordable only by large corporations, and has been their business advantage.

By building a system with its development essentially cost-shared by hundreds of individual practices (only 1 per area), we are able to give this same advantage to the individual-owned private practice. In an era of expansive, intensifying corporate competition, this is of special importance.

Parthiv's Story

I came to America in 1989.  I settled my entire multigenerational family in the suburbs of Boston. I had been in the Indian Air Force, where I became fascinated with computers. One of my core job duties was to type in the “daily orders” and then stencil print them out on a good old fashioned dot matrix printer (without ribbons), which I would then duplicate on something called a Cyclostyle Duplicator.  This was my first exposure to “mass communications”!!

My first job in the United States was marketing for a Health Club. After generating multiple leads in high foot traffic locations, I would cold-call interested potential members…I learned I was pretty good at this and I ACTUALLY LIKED IT!! Consequently, I was successful at generating many sales.



I soon moved on to work for a direct mail marketing firm, J.M. Perrone Company in Hingham, MA, where I introduced a software product called Telemagic, to senior management; they adopted it for their business. While my coworkers laughed and told me learning the system was a huge waste of time, I soon convinced them that the software, along with the computer, was like owning a “Thousand Dollar Rolodex”. The owner of the company was a Professor at Bentley College in Boston, who convinced me to go after my MBA (in Marketing); which I did (from Bentley College) in 1994.

I wrote many papers on Direct Marketing, Database Marketing, and Direct Mail Marketing while journeying towards my degree.  One of the assignments in my New Product Development class was to create a product and a Marketing plan. I developed a mailing list to the Indian Community in America. This was my first introduction to data based marketing.

Over the next twelve years, I continued to develop and expand my skills in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implementation. All the while, my company invested heavily in my continuing education.  As I continued to take on more responsibility, I decided I would make it easier on myself to find potential clients by becoming my own resident list expert. I soon realized that I could provide a needed service to our clients, so I began a program to buy and sell data for our clients.

I started a dot com company in 1998 but my business failed miserably. Broke and in debt up to my eyeballs, I went back to my old company and asked for my job back, plus convinced my boss to give me a substantial raise to pay off my debt. He gave me a short leash but I was well rewarded when, almost immediately, I closed a $400,000 deal with Children’s Hospital. I was back on track but, like most entrepreneurs, I got the bug to strike out on my own again.

In 2002, I opened Listlaunchers, Boston’s premier list brokerage company assisting the printing industry, direct mail firms and telemarketing companies. From this I learned a dynamic new way of printing content: Digitizing Offset Printing Jobs which brought in much higher profits.

The jobs that were selling for $7,500 were now selling for upwards of $12,000. Our sales tripled in three years.  In 2005, I sold Listlaunchers for multi-seven figures and became part of a larger conglomerate only to have a failed business transaction, that once again put me and my family in debt.

My business, Listlaunchers, was killed….but I survived!

In 2006, after starting all over again, I established eLaunchers.com. The difference now is that I know exactly what I am doing. I have taken everything I have learned about Marketing, Technology, List Generation, and success and failure and rolled it into one super dynamic company.  2006 to 2009 were trying times, a struggle to make ends meet.  Kennedy_460

In 2009 I accidently stumbled upon a local GKIC study club. I joined their program, bought various books and courses taught by Bill Glazer and Dan Kennedy and became an implementation expert of various concepts taught by Dan Kennedy.

In 2011, I met a good looking guy at a Dan Kennedy’s event in Cleveland who approached me at break: “Hi Parthiv, I have been following you for a while and watching you work with others. I like you, I am ready to get started with you. That was Dr. Dustin Burleson. I began working for Dr. Burleson’s practice and when Dr. Burleson came to Maryland for a day of consultation with me, he asked me if I would be kind enough to go to Richmond with him to attend Dr. Charles Martin’s mastermind. I met my friend Dr. Greg Wych at Dr. Martin’s mastermind. Dr. Martin was the first in the group to hire me, then Dr. Wych and eventually others followed suit.

Eventually Dr. Burleson started a coaching program for orthodontists and I became the implementation expert for Burleson coaching program members.

Prior to that I worked with Dr. Tom Orent as his list research and market segmentation strategist. I developed a multistep short run direct mail program for dentists and a dental patient newsletter program. 

This is my story. It is a classic entrepreneur’s story: Start with little or nothing, turn it into something, then back again to nothing and once again into something successful. The difference is that this time, I have not only bounced back, but I do not have to–and will not–waiver from my successful formula! I will show you what I know to make you more successful than ever before.

So that provides you with a bit of my business background and the experiences that led me to conceive my “dream”. Today I own a multi-national technology firm with offices in three countries and a team of technologists, programmers, system architects, designers, writers, marketers and operations enthusiasts who share my passion for one thing: RESULTS!