eLaunchers Blog

Unique Follow-Up System

Written by Parthiv Shah | Oct 7, 2021 12:00:00 PM

Wouldn't it be great if you could make a sale after just one well-done sales presentation?  

Typically, your salesperson puts all their energy into doing a great job of the initial sales presentation and then follows up with one phone call or email. That's it. The prospect doesn't buy, and your salesperson believes they are not interested in your product or service and gives up on them. That's how most businesses lose money.

According to a study by Brevet, a sales consulting firm, 80% of sales require five follow-up calls after the meeting. 44% of sales reps give up after one follow-up. 92% of sales pros give up after the 4th call, but 80% of prospects say no four times before saying yes. If your takeaway from these stats is that most customers need well timed and frequent encouragement to say yes by the 5th prompting – you're right.

No one likes being pestered by an aggressive salesperson. Because salespeople don't want to foster that reputation, they assume the prospect isn't interested and back away before they should. But what if their assumption is wrong? What if the prospect has a busy life and receives 300 emails a day and doesn't have the time to read your emails? That's where it becomes essential to have a unique sales follow up system that captures your prospects attention, piques their interest, and encourages them along the path of using your product or service to solve their problem. 

BRENT's unique follow-up system uses six methods.


1. Variety

Effective sales use a system that includes various methods such as phone calls, emails, LinkedIn, or other social media platforms. It's important to remember that different people prefer different follow-up methods. The over 50 demographics may select phone calls or emails; 20-year-olds prefer text or social media. Communicate with them in the way they like.


2. Timing

Buying decisions take time, and you don't want to annoy your prospect with too many follow-ups delivered too soon. The higher the price tag, and the more people involved in the buying decision, the longer you should allow for your lead time. How often should you follow up? That depends on your prospect. Do they need to connect to a sales manager at Friday's meeting for a final decision? If so, it's best to put the sales meeting date in your calendar to remind you when to follow up


3. Creates Value

We hear this message all the time; here it is again. When people know, like, and trust you, they'll buy from you. Use your follow-ups as an opportunity to get to know your prospects so that you can provide value. Have you kept notes on your conversations? Have they told you about their daughter's violin recital? If you ask how it went, they will feel appreciated and valued because you've made an effort to remember. Do you know their business pain points? Can you speak to those issues by providing a solution in a follow-up email with a link to a blog article? Do you have any upcoming sales or special offers? Letting them know is a great way to get them interested and motivated to act.



Specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and timed follow up is the best way to ensure your unique sales system is following the right steps in the process. Identifying the next steps by setting dates, days, and times moves you towards your goal and your prospect through your sales funnel. Which is more effective; "I'll call you Friday at 9:30 a.m. for a quick 7-minute call" or "I'll get in touch with you in a week."?  You guessed it. A specific time and date are always more effective.


5. Get their attention

Re: sales call.

Did that get your attention?

Probably not, because it's boring and could come from anyone. Subject lines need to grab your prospect's attention, with very few words and in a conversational tone. Other useful methods for creating catchy subject lines include:

  • Urgency - Your offer expires in 3 hours!
  •  Novelty - Did you ever do this???
  • Showing there is valuable content within the email – "saw this blog and thought it could help you."
  • Using their first name - just doing this can increase email open rates by 40%
6. Don't waste their time.

If a busy executive receives 300 emails per day, how long do they have to spend reading them? A minute or two? Keep emails under six lines and phone calls from 5-7 minutes, just long enough to grab their attention and move them towards taking action.



Know when to call it quits. If you've sent your 5-7 emails/follow-ups and your prospect hasn't responded, move them to a long-term nurture sequence. This is when you send them regular, infrequent information so they keep you in mind for down the road.

There are skills and science to creating an effective follow-up system, and BRENT's unique automated follow up system does most of the heavy lifting for you in several ways;

Lead generation

BRENT's SMART system tracks who is visiting your site and what interests them while creating custom filters to track qualified prospects. It also provides information on who views your documents and how much time they spend on each one. It can personalize content to the prospect's interests, providing a variety of valuable content.

Email automation

With our system, your email sequences (follow-ups) automate, and you can choose your best emails with the highest response rates. BRENT's system tracks open rates and response rates and selects the best times to send emails to prospects and can stop after any number of sequences you choose.

Live chat & calling

While your prospect is interacting with your site, you can get their attention and engage them instantly with live chat, which builds instant rapport and closes sales faster. With our unique system, calls can be scheduled, logged into your CRM, and recorded with just one click.

Automated workflow

BRENT's system takes the struggle out of your day-to-day tasks by creating and rotating leads and duties, sending meeting links, and creating customizable SMART reports from your metrics.

Would you like to stop missing 80% of your sales and start maximizing your profit?  BRENT's unique follow-up system sets up a streamlined, integrated marketing and sales automation process for your business.

If you would like to discuss how to apply BRENT's unique follow-up system to your business, feel free to contact me at  www.elaunchers.com/start