eLaunchers Blog

"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs

Written by Parthiv Shah | Jul 12, 2023 12:00:00 PM

Today’s blog will focus on Steve Jobs, the visionary entrepreneur, and one of my personal heroes.

His story as the self-made man and later as the comeback kid are an inspiration to anyone looking to make their mark on this planet.

This is a man who was raised by working class parents, who dropped out of college, Co-Founded Apple in his garage, worked hard and ten years later headed a Company worth over $2Billion with over 4,000 employees.

Then, the company he helped created fired him.

Hence the story of the comeback Kid.   In his 2005 commencement speech at Stanford, Jobs discusses this time in his life. There he was, publicly humiliated with headlines across the globe announcing the changing of the guard at Apple. He said for a few months, he didn’t know what to do. He felt he’d let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down, dropping the baton that had been passed to him. He talks about how he thought of running away from the valley and just hiding, running out the rest of his life.

What brought him back was simple. He was still very much in love with what he’d been doing. He loved what he’d accomplished with Apple. He loved being an innovator. So, he decided to start over.   He went on to found NeXt and Pixar and through a series of fortunate events and exceptional strategic moves, he eventually returned to Apple and the technologies he developed at NeXT and with Pixar led to a renaissance unlike anything Apple had experienced at that time.

Decades later he reflected on his being fired from Apple as being one of the best things that happened to him.  

So, what made the great Steve Jobs great?  

I believe it was his view on his own mortality. Long before he knew he was going to die young, taken by an aggressive form of pancreatic cancer at the age of 56, he lived his life knowing his time was limited, even if he lived to 100. He often mentioned this and once remarked that he woke up every day and asked himself, ‘if today was my last day on earth, would I want to do what I’m about to do today?’ He lived his life looking for his way to ‘put a dent in the universe.’

I’m a marketing strategist, and the teachings and insight of Steve Jobs are often directly in line with my own. He revolutionized the way we perceive and purchase products. His approach went beyond selling features and benefits; instead, he focused on selling emotions and building a loyal tribe of customers.

Jobs believed that communicating a feeling was far more powerful than presenting a list of features and specifications. He taught that by aligning your product with a core belief or emotion, you can connect with customers on a deeper level. By emphasizing the emotional impact and value your product or service brings, you can create a compelling story that resonates with your target audience. Define your ideal customer and show how your product aligns with their aspirations and needs. This helps attract like-minded individuals who want to be part of your brand's story.


Jobs transformed customers into passionate fans through the creation of a strong community. Cultivating a tribe around your brand requires nurturing relationships, inspiring loyalty, and providing an experience that goes beyond mere transactions. You want your clients and customers to be your biggest fans who willingly promote your brand to others.


Make your products and services easy to use, from the moment of purchase to everyday interactions. Simplify the onboarding process, eliminate friction points, and prioritize a seamless customer journey. By prioritizing convenience, you can create a unique selling point and attract customers who appreciate hassle-free experiences. Building strong customer relationships can lead to long-term loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

Steve Jobs' strategies have proven to be a blueprint for success in the business world. By selling emotions, building communities, understanding target audiences, and placing customers at the center of your business, you can take your company to new heights.

If you are ready to experience explosive growth in your business, then please send me a text or give me a call at 301-873-5791 or go to www.elaunchers.com to book an appointment. Join our growing list of customers who are experiencing their best year yet because they said YES to Parthiv Shah and YES to eLaunchers. Together we can take the next step to maximize your revenue while minimizing your cost and growing your business with speed and predictability.

One last thought: Fortune favors the bold. Take bold and decisive action in your life and in your business. Your time is now, so act, and put your dent in the Universe.