eLaunchers Blog

Know Your Tribe and Thrive

Written by Parthiv Shah | Aug 7, 2023 12:00:00 PM

Recently I came across an article by Dave Ramey, the financial expert and syndicated radio host, which focused on his tips for winning at business. (See link below for the full article.)

For the past two decades Dave Ramsey’s advice has been broadcast on American Television shows, radio shows and is available in print on bookshelves across the nation.

Dave Ramsey makes his money telling everyone else how to save and spend theirs.   He’s helped thousands of people take control of their personal finances and saved just as many small business owners from making costly mistakes with his financial advice.

In this article, he offered some sound business advice about looking for opportunities and connecting with your employees. Most of the advice was valuable, but likely something you’ve heard so many times you could repeat it in your sleep. The part that caught my attention was his emphasis on how important it is to know your people.

Your customers, your employees and your partners matter most, and each one of them has unique ambitions, hopes, struggles, and dreams. If you know what drives your ideal customers to act, you know how to sell them your product or service. I you know what motivates your employees and partners, you know how to encourage them to deliver a peak performance in your business.

If you are a dentist looking to increase your sales of dental implants, you need to know what would make a person say yes to this expensive dental procedure. Does your ideal patient long for the day they can smile in public unafraid that they will be unfairly judged for their disfigured teeth? Has their diminished self-confidence over their missing or decayed teeth impacted their personal and professional lives? Do they feel isolated and undervalued because of their insecurities about the way they look?

If you get into your ideal patient’s head, you discover what makes them tick—what keeps them up at night and fills them with longing or regret.   Find out the answers to these questions and you can develop a winning sales argument that will have your customers, clients and patrons lined up and eager to do business with you.

The same goes for your employees. Not every one of your employees has the same wants or needs.

Some go to work each day concerned about how to pay for their children’s college education. While others just want to earn enough to fund their hobby of old car restoration.   Some are truly motivated to work with you because they love your vision and promote your cause, while others show up to work with 5:00pm on their mind before their day even begins.  

Knowing your employees, identifying the ones eager to work and aligning their goals with yours is vital to keeping them motivated and moving forward.  

If you know what motivates and drives the people around you, it helps you connect with them.

This connection makes it easier for your customers to say yes, and your employees to eagerly work for you because they see your success and theirs linked, a win-win.

Mr. Ramsey goes on to say that the number-one hiring mistake most business owners make is not taking enough time with the interview process. Often, business owners hire employees after a single interview. This is like committing to marriage after a first date. It’s a bad idea. Interviewing a potential new hire, especially for a key role in your company should be a multi-step process.  

Your goal is to find out what this potential hire is doing in your office in the first place. Why are they looking for a new job or a career change? Why did they leave their previous employer? What are their plans for the future and so on.  

In one of my upcoming blogs, I’ll go over the top questions an employer should ask in the hiring process, but for now your takeaway is to get to know a person before you hand them over a key to the building and access codes to your operating systems. A bad fit in a key role could cost you a fortune in lost time and revenue.   So, hire slowly.  

Whatever business you’re in, you must lead with your heart and your head. Take the time to find out what drives and motivates your employees and you will be able to connect with them in a way that keeps them excited to work for you.

Get in touch with what motivates your ideal clients or customers to act, and you can develop a winning sales and marketing strategy that speaks to their needs, wants, and desires and pre-sells them on what you offer before they ever pick up the phone or step foot inside your building.

At eLaunchers, we specialize in designing winning sales and marketing strategies that get to the heart of what your clients and patients desire and need.   We present your product or service in a way that shows what you offer as the clear choice they must have to meet their needs or achieve their desires.

If expanding your practice, introducing a new product or service, targeting a new market, or capturing market share are among your business goals for this year then developing a winning sales and marketing strategy may be the most important move you make. And I can help!   I urge you to call or text me at 301-873-5791 or go to www.elaunchers.com to book an appointment.

Get the right message in front of your ideal prospect, and predictable growth becomes easy. Let’s discuss how I can help you connect with more clients, patients, and patrons and implement marketing strategies that will generate a steady and predictable stream of income.