eLaunchers Blog

Destination: FREEDOM - What Does It Mean?

Written by Parthiv Shah | Sep 20, 2019 12:45:14 PM


Do you own your own business or does it own you?

If you're ready to take back control of your life, kick the crap out of your way, shorten your learning curve, design your own version of success and declare your entrepreneurial independence, you’re in the right place. Welcome to Destination: FREEDOM.

Freedom. What does it mean? Something different to most entrepreneurs out there. I declared my independence in 2019 by standards of the economic freedom of an entrepreneur as described by Dan Sullivan.

Am I a renegade? Am I a million

aire? Am I a renegade millionaire?

I make a million, but I don’t keep a million. In order to be a millionaire you have to make a million and not spend it. I’m not there yet. I call myself an owner of a self-managing company. Within my self-managing company, I have a self-managing marketing department. That means I have a machine . . . a marketing department that generates a predictable, finite and expected number of qualified prospects who are indoctrinated, educated and come prepared to buy. My machine gets marketing done within budget, on time and within scope. Second thing is I have an ecosystem full of customers who are grateful for the relationship. They pay, stay, refer and become lifelong friends. We have a deep personal relationship.

I am a first generation immigrant who owns a small business, lives an upper middle class lifestyle. I’m not rich. I don’t fly private. I am an entrepreneur of heaven. I know that what worked for me can work for you too.

I'm often asked what I mean when I say entrepreneurial freedom. My answer can be summed up in two simple six word sentences. The first one is “Do business on your own terms.” And the second one is “Enjoy life, make money, do good.” I look at that sentence in that order because you have to enjoy life. It doesn't matter how much money you make, if you're not enjoying what you're doing, you're not enjoying life, you're not enjoying time with family and friends. You’re not enjoy what matters most.

The money doesn't matter. They say money can buy you happiness. But you can be really happy with a specific amount of money that doesn't allow you to have a lifestyle the way you want? You can have either a BUSINESS LIFESTYLE or a LIFESTYLFE BUSINESS. Unfortunately most entrepreneurs have a business lifestyle and therefore no matter how much money they’re making, they’re locked to a business and don’t have the freedom to do what they want, when they want.

The important part of entrepreneurial freedom is it's about you and the way you want to run your business. It's not what other people think you should do. It's not about how other people run their businesses, it's yours. Do it your way. If you're like every other business owner or entrepreneur that I've ever met, the main reason you started your business was to have more freedom.

You want the freedom to be your own boss. You want the freedom to make as much money as you want. You want the freedom to enjoy time with your family, friends, and what's important to you. You want the freedom to vacation when and where you want. And you also want the freedom to give back to charities and community groups that you believe in. The sad part of that though is that 90% roughly of business owners actually lose their freedom because they build their businesses backwards and then they get chained to it.

I want to share with you something that I ask every time I go to business networking events, chamber of commerce events, and just in general conversations with other entrepreneurs, I routinely ask three simple questions and I inevitably get strange looks. People looking at their shoes, people hedging their bets in their answers, and people who are surprised I’m not shoving my products/solutions down their throat. The three questions I ask are:

Are you satisfied with the way your business is growing and with the results that you're currently getting?

Do you spend more time working creatively on your business or do you spend more time putting out fires in your business?

Is your business providing you the money, the time freedom, and the lifestyle that you want?

Would you like to have a brief initial conversation with me where I’ll ask you these questions and help you find the answers? Grab a slot on my calendar.

Freedom can be yours. You need to declare it and defend it. I am here to help you do both.