eLaunchers Blog

What Your Mindset Means for Your Business

Written by Russell Martino | May 18, 2018 7:40:00 PM

source: https://www.sideshowtoy.com/collectibles/dc-comics-super-powers-superman-tweeterhead-903305/

When Superman began the story had a problem. Superman was invincible. All powerful. He could not be harmed. Holding readers interest in a Superhero with no weakness, no flaws and no way to be harmed, injured or even threatened was a challenge.Since Superman was guaranteed to win every conflict, every time, no matter what ... it didn't take long for people to get bored and for sales to drop. New episode. Superman wins. The end.

Before dumping the series, which was a consideration, the writers decided to give Superman a challenge he couldn't leap over in a single bound. They did that by making him vulnerable to something powerful enough to injure or even kill the man of steel. That vulnerability was to Kryptonite. Just being around it drained Superman's power. A bad guy with Kryptonite, available on earth thanks to meteor showers, could stop, injure, imprison or even kill Superman. With the addition of a deadly threat, Superman winning was no longer guaranteed. Bad guys could wield real power.


The story became more interesting. And sales began to soar. With Kryptonite in the story, Superman is more like you and me. Working hard to keep the forces of darkness at bay. And doing his best to stay alert so you don't get hijacked, dowsed with Kryptonite. And kicked to the curb before you even know what hit you. Superman comics went on to become so popular, most people in the Western World recognize Kryptonite as a reference to something that can do you great harm. Had the writers not adapted, had they not given readers what they want, had they stubbornly insisted on doing it their way, had they not invented Kryptonite...
The Superman series would have died. Great stories would have never been told. And a franchise worth billions would have been kicked to the curb and forgotten.

Jerry Seinfeld pointed out, (accurately I believe), that males don't see heroes like Superman, Batman, Iron Man, and Captain America as comic book characters.
We see them as career choices.


Peter Drucker said that "as soon as you move one step up from the bottom, your effectiveness depends on your ability to reach others through the spoken and written word." In my thirty plus years-experience helping business owners sell expensive products and services, newsletters, high-dollar investment opportunity and more, I'd say Seinfeld is spot-on. Most business owners see themselves as 'master of the universe'. At least the master of THEIR universe ... the one who shows up every day ... the one who solves problems ... the one who knows more than all others about your customers, products, the market, the competition, what can or can't be done in your business, the best way to sell your product or service. And so on.

The master-of-the-universe mentality can be both good and bad.On one hand, somebody has to take responsibility. And who better to take charge and get things done in your business than you? The answer is, probably no one.

On the other hand, if you're a Master of the Universe type, it's easy to get locked into a limiting mindset that stifles ideas, is out of touch with reality and blinds you to opportunity that could lead to your best most profitable years ever in business.
Buggy makers, masters of their universe all, failed to recognize, (or acknowledge), the catastrophic impact change would have on their business. As such, they failed to adapt to the changing environment. And with the arrival of the automobile - died a slow, painful deathBook stores failed to adapt to the changing environment brought on by digital technology. By not adapting, brick and mortar book stores have all but vanished since the arrival of Amazon.


Dentists who fail to adapt to the changing environment are being squashed by big-box dentistry chains, forced to work longer, earn less, downsize and put off retirement. No business and no business owner is exempt.


Doctors, lawyers, financial professionals, manufacturers, retailers, service providers, all brick and mortar business owners, and anyone who sells anything that costs from a one-dollar to a million online or off is affected. If you own a business, this applies to YOU. Your environment is changing at hyper-speed. Web technology is more powerful and less expensive than ever. And while most business owners haven’t fully harnessed the customer-securing, business-building power of this technology yet...

With the right technology, you can reach more good prospects and tell your story more often in a single day than a team of salespeople could reach in a month without it. And with the right message, you can sell more of your product or service than ever.

With the right message – and the right technology to reach your prospects, deliver a powerful, engaging message and follow-up automatically, there's no limit to what you can do. This expands your reach. Expands your impact. And gives you massive potential selling power. This is where smart business is going. The advantages are too great to ignore. But if you ignore this, because (like buggy- makers) as master of your universe you know it won't work for your business, you know it won’t work with your customers, you think you don't need it, or it’s just not necessary, then by all means, be scared. Be very scared! Not because you can't live without the technology or the messaging it takes to get the job done.

After all, you've come this far without it. So why bother now?

Be scared because right now, as you read these words, your competitors are working on it. And when they get the message and the technology right, which doesn't always happen the first time around, and enter the market with the ability grab customers at will, they will outsell anyone without the same advantage. And you can kiss your market share and your profits goodbye.

Technology is just one example of massive environmental changes you face today.