eLaunchers Blog

What Does Selling Really Mean?

Written by Russell Martino | May 16, 2018 7:20:39 PM

Imagine doubling your sales over the next year. What would that mean for you and your family? What would that mean for your bank account? Once upon a time, if you were willing to work hard, be friendly and advertise – you could start a business and do well. But all that has changed.

Today, competition is fierce.

The noise in the market place is deafening. With more and more businesses competing for attention, we have become experts at ignoring sales messages. With all the noise, marketing that once worked well, work less and less.


To make matters worse...

With so many people trying to sell so many things, your prospects are slammed with hundreds of sales messages every day. Junk mail, TV and radio ads, banner ads, pop-ups, bill boards, newspapers, magazines – these messages are everywhere.


Sales messages are so abundant, most people, including most of your prospects, instantly dismiss all advertising as junk. They toss your precious brochures in the trash without a second glance. They ignore your messages, delete your emails. And pay someone to screen their mail, screen their calls, protect their time... and keep sales people away.


With more and more sales messages vying for your prospects attention, plus the fact that most people hate being ‘sold’ - and are quick to trash anything that looks like advertising - your job of connecting with your prospects – having your sales message consumed - and getting your prospect toWANT your product or service, is more challenging than ever.


So what’s it take to stand out in a crowded marketplace? How do you get people to WANT to do business with you?

1. You GET your prospects’ attention by appealing to their curiosity or self-interest
2. You HOLD their attention by making your message about something important to them
3. And you SELL by delivering a message persuasive enough to answer questions

4. Handle objections. And get your prospect excited about doing business with you.


Only then will you be noticed. Only then will your message hit home. Only then will your prospects have reason to respond to your message. Call you directly. Visit
you online. Accept your call. And do business with you.


But crafting the right message is just part of the challenge. You now have more ways to reach people than ever. Besides print, direct mail, radio and television, the Internet gives you dozens, if not hundreds, of new ways to spend money and time trying to reach people. Social media, Facebook ads, Google Ad Words, organic search, LinkedIn, Pinterest, eBooks, banner ads, product launches, email marketing, funnels, blog posts, newsletters, joint ventures, pod casts – this is just the tip of the iceberg. Your choices are dizzying!


But the fact remains...you can do all this and a bag of chips - and still not sell a thing. Because until you reach the RIGHT PROSPECTS with the RIGHT MESSAGE - that gets attention, holds interest and is persuasive enough to convert lookers into buyers, nothing else matters, because nothing else happens.


Want to sell more? Whether your product costs ten cents, or a hundred and fifty thousand dollars, THE KEY TO SELL MORE is TRAFFIC and CONVERSION. That’s it. Without reaching enough of the right people, you speak to an empty auditorium. And without the right message - the auditorium may as well stay empty for all the good it will do you. People don’t buy because you show up.


The MAGIC is in the MESSAGE. Without a unique message to distinguish you from every Johnny-Come-Lately waving hands in your prospects face trying to sell something, you sound like anyone on any street corner hawking wares, shouting ‘buy from me because I want you to buy from me’.


Selling is not about waving arms, slick brochures or cool tag lines. Selling is not even about products or services. Selling is about human nature. Selling is about connecting with people – about delivering a message so ‘on the mark’, your prospects are happy to receive the message. And are excited to respond. Selling is about CONSISTENTLY getting the RIGHT MESSAGE to the RIGHT PEOPLE. Without the RIGHT MESSAGE reaching THE RIGHT PEOPLE ... you have nothing.