eLaunchers Blog

The Reality of Web 3.0: What’s In Store?

Written by eLaunchers | Jul 16, 2019 10:11:00 AM

I have been reading lately about the upcoming Web 3.0, "the semantic web" and I’m excited to see what’s in store for us.  Remember the days of dial up connections?

Then we went from just text to graphics, video, streaming communications, media sharing, and so much more. The internet is continuing to grow up right before our eyes.

Evolution is a beautiful thing, no matter how small It may be. It could be as little as watching your house plant grow or witnessing the transformation of a city you once called home.

One such evolution we’re on the brink of is the big Web 3.0. The new revolution of the internet is coming soon, and it is time for users and businesses alike to acquaint themselves to all the changes we’re going to have to adapt to, soon.

According to tech gurus, the transformation we saw in Web 2.0 (which is currently in use) is going to be taken a step further, with new features that make our lives faster, more comfortable and more straightforward.

Before we can extrapolate as to what’s possible in the latest phase, there are a few hints we could take from Web 1.0 and 2.0 to get a fair idea of what’s coming.


Web 1.0:

This was the golden era as the internet was just beginning to become a household name, what with personal computers making their way into our homes, not just at the office.

An untold number of systems were digitized overnight – like accounting, bookkeeping, design, data segmentation, and other administrative tasks.

The websites were simple to use, fast, and purely a read-only format. This worked well for businesses, especially e-commerce ones, since they were able to convey their messages in a swanky new way.

This made a massive shift in the way organizations, both big and small, created content and advertise them. Web 1.0 was the starting point of the websites we have today.

However, there was little to do for the user with less interaction and responsiveness. While many businesses still use Web 1.0 for their business use.

Digitization is set to take over many more industries in the upcoming Web 3.0.

What was once a starting point of digitization during the 1.0, advancements of 2.0, these phases could be the most dramatic shift of human and computer interaction ever. 


Web 2.0:

As with any phase, the Web 2.0 came in with a host of advancements that were far more evolved than the websites of Web 1.0. With graphics, video, gaming of all sorts, cheaper advertising structures, social networking, and a whole lot more.

With the adoption of Web 2.0, it burst the bubble that content creation was the bailiwick of only big organizations. With people-centric websites and platforms like WordPress and Facebook coming into the picture, people suddenly found themselves a voice on the great big internet, where they could post about their interests, build a community of their own, and even make money. Blogging exploded literally as if by magic.  The knowledge curve shrunk from generations to years, and soon to be every 12 hours. Or even shorter. We'll find out soon.

Businesses soon took to this trend and started engaging everyday people to advertise their products/services.  The customer is now in charge of the buyer's journey, as researching products, services, pricing, dependability, and risk within the palm of their hand. The websites we see are user-friendly and people focussed to the point that the internet and the devices that access it are ubiquitous.

Another significant leap was smartphones coming into foray - many businesses took the opportunity to build mobile responsive websites, since the viewership, now, has transferred from desktops and laptops to more easily portable mobile device. 

People from all walks of life everywhere around the globe are accessing the net from their handhelds. There are millions that have a smartphone but have never owned a toothbrush.  Unfathomable. 

With many hurdles crossed in Web 2.0, could we be heading in a more advanced direction? Could the internet landscape actually change for the better to accommodate more improvements? The answer, techies say, is a big YES. I am excited about the things that would be possible in the Web 3.0, that would be utterly unthinkable of, today.


The Big Semantic Web 3.0:

The next phase of the internet revolution is set to come with its own set of superpowers. For starters, AI or Artificial intelligence, a buzzword we hear so often, is touted to be the next revolution in automation. Through machine learning, computers and websites will be capable of "learning"  what human behavior is like, and replicate the same, if not better it.

For example, – Instagram knows the kind of accounts you would be interested in based on the posts you like and accounts you follow. What the algorithm then does,it shows you a list of posts or statements that are similar to the ones you follow.

Just like a friend would recommend you a movie based on your tastes, instead, there is a website and a dedicated software built to be intuitive to your next action, and show up with results that would interest you.

Similar to what Amazon shopping does. You view and/or purchase something and you begin to receive accommodating products that coincide with them. 

While few sites like Facebook, Instagram, and even Uber use this is some short form, AI is set to take on more challenges in the future, building an intuitive system designed to assist humans with more and more tasks. 

Additionally, access to data is touted to be even more straightforward, with AI filtering out all the irrelevant websites when a keyword is searched for. Gamers would be in for a treat too. As the advancements of the web, graphics would be more lifelike than they are now.  

Turns out, we would all have our own dedicated 3D avatars on the internet that we could use while gaming.

The 3D design revolution has already started in the fields of architecture and real estate – with construction companies employing augmented reality and developing high-end 3D models and videos that would paint a picture as to how a finished venture would look, even before its foundation is laid.

Both phases Web 1.0 and 2.0 have had a significant impact on the way humans behave, interact, and work on the internet. With Web 3.0, I can only hope we make a seamless transition and use technology to its maximum potential.

What we are going to discover that the evolution is just getting started.

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