eLaunchers Blog

Sales Pages That Sell - part 1

Written by Parthiv Shah | Jan 27, 2022 1:03:00 PM

There are five main web pages that allow you to sell from your website. The five pages you absolutely must have are; a cold page, a warm page, the hot page, an offer page and a home page. With these, your website will convert. Let's look at the first three.


Cold Pages

The cold page is a web page that you send traffic to where the prospect is both unaware of the problem and your solution. This is the beginning of the buyer journey. On this page, the purpose is to educate the prospect about the problem and also introduce them to how your product or service can solve that problem. Ideally, there should be something on the cold page that will allow you to collect a name and an email, or other contact information, so that you can continue to communicate with them after this interaction. You want to connect with them regularly, offer more information that explains how their problem could be solved with your product or service and answer questions they have.


Warm Pages

At this point the prospect knows who you are, and is beginning to see you as a trusted source. The warm page will generally get more engagement and starts to position you as an expert trusted source that they can rely on to get answers to their questions. You will be sought out in order to solve whatever problem it is that they're having. Warm pages can typically offer longer content. For example, this might be where you offer a 30 minute or longer recorded webinar, because at this point, they are already seeking the solution that you provide for their problem.


Hot Pages

The hot page is for the prospect that is ready to buy. By the time someone gets to this page, it should be just a question of whether they want to buy your product or service versus another vendors solution, or bother doing anything at all. This is where you need to be sure that you're answering all the questions that they possibly have. Make sure that the testimonials that are on the page are relevant to the thought process that got them to the page in the first place. Everything on the hot page needs to be congruent, meaning the entire page is written in a way that finishes the narrative that is playing in their mind so that they see your product or service as the solution to the problem that they are experiencing. If you answer all the objections that they could possibly have, you position yourself as being the only logical choice. The hot page truly is where the rubber meets the road.

Creating Your Cold, Warm, and Hot Pages

Cold, Warm and Hot pages are constructed similarly, the differences being the copy and images or videos. The essential elements are:

  1. Each page has a header banner that contains your logo and some way for the viewer to respond NOW – typically a phone number with instructions on how to claim the next action you want them to take. For example 800-555-1212 with “Call Now To Book Your Free Assessment” immediately underneath.
  2. Ideally, you begin with a short, punchy “pre-header” above the actual headline. The preheader is either used to frame the ideal reader for the page OR to give credibility to the writer. Examples include “A special message to busy Moms that just can’t get enough time to go to the gym…” or “Indian immigrant turned Marketing Guru reveals his entire marketing plan…”
  3. The main headline conveys the main benefit or value proposition you are offering your customers, clients, or patients. Professional copywriters will often invest hours writing dozens (The top “A” copywriters will always write 100+) of headlines. They know that a strong, “killer” headline will make the difference between a poor or mediocre response and a wildly successful, profitable response. In all cases, you absolutely must split test your headlines to ensure you’re getting maximum profit from each page.
  4. Next, immediately below the headline, the page is split into 2 columns with the left column using 2/3 of the page and the right column using 1/3 of the page.
  5. At the top of the left column is your sub-headline. The sub-headline supports the headline and proves context to the headline. A well-crafted sub-headline solidifies the attention of the viewer and creates sufficient interest in the minds of the page visitors so that they want to consume more of the information on the page.
  6. Below the sub-headline is an image or video that is relevant to the messaging and attracts the interest of the viewer.
  7. Immediately below the image or video is copy that expands on the promise/offer/value proposition you laid out in your headline.
  8. Now it’s time to use copy to get the viewer to take the desired action. Copy should be broken up into short paragraphs for easy reading and should be relevant to the “temperature” of the viewer. All your copy should clearly and concisely describe how you're different from the competition and the value/benefits customers/clients/patients get by using your service(s).
  9. Use bullet points or numbered lists to break up copy and highlight the most important benefit/value statements.
  10. Close with more copy that again is broken up into short paragraphs for easy reading. The closing copy should also clearly and concisely describe how you're different from the competition as well as detailing the value/benefits customers/clients/patients get by using your service(s).
  11. The right side column should have a highly visible CALL TO ACTION FORM at the top. The form will typically have a different colored background to make it “pop” on the page. Copy for the form should utilize with benefit focused lead-ins before the form fields. On the “cold” page, it is generally best to limit the information you request to first name and email address. Asking for too much information on the “cold” page will often significantly lower the number of viewers willing to “opt-in” and get the information or lead magnet you’re offering. You can usually ask for additional information like last name and possibly the viewers phone number on the “warm” page. Viewers of the “hot” page will often be willing to give substantially more information including years in business, the viewer’s position in a company, or even annual income as they’re already more likely to be considering your product or service solution.
  12. Every form should have an Action Oriented Button. Never use “Submit” on an action button. Instead, use a phrase like “Click To Get Your Free Report” or “Click To Schedule A Complimentary Discovery Call”.
  13. The bottom portion of the right side column under the Call To action form is your “Proof Zone”. Use testimonials, client logos, media reprints or quotes to build trust and authority.
  14. Below the columns, revert back to a single, full width column and add another Call to Action. Follow the Call to Action with copy to reinforce your call to action for the page. You can include your phone number again. Remind people to fill out the form or do whatever it is that you want them to do on this page. Just make sure you convey again the benefit they'll receive for taking action.
  15. The last element on the page is the footer. A typical footer layout is HOME | CONTACT | ABOUT | PRIVACY POLICY | TERMS OF SERVICE. This should be the ONLY navigation links off the page. Check with your media provider as these links are often required in their terms of service and forgetting (or excluding) these links can cause your traffic driving ads to be rejected or worse, have your ad account rescinded.

We'll cover offer and home pages next time.


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