eLaunchers Blog

Referral Treasure Chest: Internal/External Referral Marketing Program

Written by Parthiv Shah | May 30, 2018 7:57:23 PM

Have You Earned The Right To Ask Them for Referrals?

If there are diamonds in your database that can be found, polished & built into a necklace called your customer database, this document will talk about how to transform your existing relationship with customers & patients into an endless source of referrals.

This subject is very close to my heart and I have learned every trick of the trade that I could get my hands on. I am constantly looking for and studying new ways to seek referrals, affiliations and ‘JV’s from noncompeting businesses who call on the
same clients. The concept is actually simple and we all practice it in some way shape or form in our business. We just took the best practices from everywhere and standardized it to create a turnkey system that you can implement in your business.The system is built on the following beliefs: 

  • No one really cares about you and no one wants to give you referrals. You have to earn the right to ask for an introduction. The person making introduction is in fact putting their reputation on the line to make the introduction.
  • You must achieve a certain status in your relationship & build a soft corner in their heart so they want to make the introduction.
  • When someone is willing to give you a referral or make an introduction, you must make it easy for them to make the introductions and you must provide the tools they will need to make the proper introductions.
  • There is a specific difference between referrals received from a client and referrals received from a formal referral source.
  • You can not bribe your way into a relationship. A contest, a prize, a quid-pro-quo or a referral commission alone is not good enough to warm someone’s heart.
  • You must do something above and beyond the call of your relationship before you can engage in a relationship where someone will make an introduction.
  • The person giving you the referral is not keeping score. It is your responsibility to keep track of who is referred by whom and send out heartfelt thank you
    notes, thank you gifts or our agreed upon referral bonus.
  • If you agree on a referral fee deal, do not break your promise and never make a math error in your favor. Create a locked down system that keeps track of every
    referral, every relationship and every transaction and track it to the source of influence.