eLaunchers Blog

Prospects are Better Informed & More Resistant than Ever

Written by Russell Martino | May 14, 2018 8:00:00 PM

It's a buyers' world pure and simple! We fast-forward through commercials. Block pop-ups. Delete spam at light speed. Screen calls with caller ID. Click out of online video or print sales message the second you lose interest. And we are experts at ignoring all marketing or advertising messages we don't care to see. In other words ... unless a message is so interesting you WANT to watch it, hear it or read it, advertisers have no way to get and hold your attention long enough to sell anything.

This is a huge environmental change that has been developing for years. Technology empowers this change. But the change is not about technology. It’s about human nature. Technology gives you the ability to deliver messages. That's it. And with the Internet, social media, email, Facebook, YouTube and a thousand other ways to get messages...

Your prospects:

1) have near unlimited things to pay attention to

2) they have the ability to pay attention to WHAT EVER THEY WANT

3) like you, are able to filter out or instantly dismiss anything they are not interested in or don’t want to be bothered with. Online technology, including email, Web sites, social media, and so on... is like the U.S. Postal Service, UPS or Federal Express.

The technology gives you the ability to DELIVER A MESSAGE. But you don't respond to the digital message-delivery truck. You respond to the MESSAGE. And this is why getting the message right is so important. Without that you have nothing.

You can spend a fortune on technology. You can spend a zillion dollars on traffic. But unless your messages reach the right people, hold their interest, and get your prospect excited about what you can do for THEM then your messages are ignored, just like you ignore anything that doesn't interest you, or give you GOOD reason to watch, read, download, reply, opt-in, sign-up, click, call or come by.

Species that fail to adapt to a changing environment die. They go extinct. Cease to exist. The lights go out. The doors close. Game over. Thankfully you have a choice.

You can choose to avoid The Kryptonite Kill-Shot. The Kryptonite Kill-Shot is evaluating your business through the I-know-everything belief system. Then acting based on that belief and dismissing anything that doesn’t validate what you think you know or agree with your view of how business should be done.

The master-of-the-universe mindset is like sirens whispering in Ulysses’ ear, filling your head with bad ideas that sound good, luring you to sail your ship full speed ahead straight into the rocky shallows. Yes of course you're right. You know best. Do it your way. That's ridiculous. It costs too much. It'll never work in your business. Sure sales are down and competition is tough, but so what, just work a little harder. Do what you've always done. You don't need that. You'll be fine. Don’t change a thing.

If you experience this, don't feel bad. We all do. The problem is not having the thoughts. The problem is being seduced by them - and not being open to strategic business-building ideas that harness the power of new technology. The problem is not crafting a powerful sales argument and not wielding the power of persuasive copywriting. The problem is believing your business is different and this ‘stuff’ just won’t work.

Everyone has a comfort zone. And no one is excited about leaving it. Everyone thinks they know best, especially about their business. And no one likes to be wrong. But this is not about being right or wrong. This is about a business environment that has changed so much, business owners who fail to adapt are being left behind.

This is about a technology and a type or messaging that until recently was out of reach for virtually all small business owners - and now is in reach - and already helping many have their best years ever.

In short, the environment has changed. Business owners who adapt the technology AND GET THE MESSAGING RIGHT will become the dominant businesses of their type in their market area. They will take customers, clients, patients or patrons from more established businesses who fail to adapt - as easy as a pro boxer in his prime could punch out a four-year old.

While masters of the universe who fail to adapt will work harder, earn less. And wonder why...

Business owners willing to leave their comfort zone, develop a strategic plan to grow, embrace the technology and commit to developing strong messaging and copywriting assets that connect with and persuade prospects... will dominate every market they enter.

If you ignore this... and your competitor seizes the opportunity, you’ll lose market share, and your competitors will become the dominant force in a market that may have easily been yours.